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Canadian Facts, Quotes, Fiction, Tips & Stuff for Canucks.
Some entries are submitted, most are public knowledge and some "borrowed". There will be a link to the website located below or somewhere in it to acknowledge their "un-known" contributions whenever we can.
Porn predators depend upon both the apathy of parents and on the fact that most people only know a little about operating their computers. SafeSurf's mission is to provide you with the tools and knowledge to fight back. With this in mind, here's an important trick to break the cycle of never ending browser windows on PCs. Whenever you want to close a browser window, get in the habit of pressing the CONTROL key and the W key together. The CONTROL key is the one which reads "CTRL". It is located at the bottom corner of your keyboard. If you happen into a porn trap, hold down the CTRL key and quickly tap the W key several times. You should be free of the invading windows in a few seconds. SafeSurf
Definition of HOSED: adj. Same as down.
Humorous: Derived from the Canadian slang `hoser' popularized by the Bob and Doug Mackenzie skits on SCTV. Hacker's; Used by UNIX hackers but this usage predated SCTV by years in the hacker circles. Pain; Widely used Canadians comment because they lost out on something eh.
Is Dave Thomas the guy who owns Wendy's ? It's true Dave Thomas, of Wendy's Restaurant fame has the same name as the actor that plays Doug McKenzie, but they are not the same person. Bob Mackenzie of SCTV Fame is actually Dave Thomas who you may recognize from " Grace under Fire "
Next Question........... Is Dave Thomas of Wendy's Restaurants Ficticious ???
Canada = Ten million square kilometers (10,000,000+)
Canada = Atlantic Region, Central, Prairies, West Coast, and The North.
The capital of Canada is Ottawa and is located in the province of Ontario.
Canadian Provinces and Territories
Canada = 10 provinces and 3 territories, ( capital of each city is bracketed )
Famous Canucks; Neil Young, Anne Murray, Rush, Randy Bachman, Burton Cummings, Tom Cochrane, Triumph, Wayne Gretzky. Bobby Hull, Pat Quinn, Martin Brodeur, Curtis Joeseph, Mario Lemieux, Kurt Browning, Scott Goodyear, Ned Hanlan, Gordie Howe, Haley Wickenhieser, Manon Rheaume, Pierre Trudeau,
Bob and Doug's Dog's Name - Answer Below
How do you spell Canada? Answer; C, eh? N, eh? D, eh?
Alberta (Edmonton)
British Columbia (Victoria)
Manitoba (Winnipeg)
Newfoundland (St. John's)
New Brunswick (Fredericton)
Northwest Territories (Yellowknife)
Nova Scotia (Halifax)
Nunavut Territory (Iqaluit)
Ontario (Toronto)
Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown)
Quebec (Quebec City)
Saskatchewan (Regina)
Yukon Territory (Whitehorse)
Bob and Doug's Dog's Name was Hosehead
Almost 1/3 of all water usage can be attributed to flushing toilets. MegaMarine
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