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Welcome to ACD, Linking Canadian's to the Internet ...... and Beyond.
ACD Banner Exchange.
The very best thing you can do after your website is up and running smoothly is to link with other websites. Search Engines and Meta-Spiders simply adore links, it's kinda like food for them.

Most visitors to our directory remain on a page for 30-40 seconds. Your banner is added into rotation with 2, 3 or 4 (max) other banners. If you look up, every 4 seconds a new banner appears. Your banner could be flashing right now if you fill out the form below !!

Your full name:

Your email address: (e.g.: you@aol.com)

Name of Website

URL of above website.

Page our banner will appear on (Leave blank if same as above)

We are considering a sidebar banner exchange. Would this be of interest to you ??

Instructions for Joining the ACD Banner Exchange;

  1. Select & Download a banner to your HD. (Don't link to these banner's, it won't work.)
  2. When our banner is viewable on your website & linked to http://ac_directory.tripod.com Send an email to webmaster@ACDirectory.zzn.com and include the website url, a brief description and category you wish it displayed under. ** Also include your Banner of equal or smaller size as an attachment with your email.**
  3. Please check the page you want your banner on prior to filling out the form.
  4. You must be a Canadian Site or have Canadian content.
  5. Banner can be 468x60 and 20k or less.
  6. Placement of banners must be easily viewable.
  7. We visit all sites before being approved

Please don't link to these banner's, it won't work. You must upload the banner to your website. When your done please remember to send an Email to The Webmaster with your website address, category & a brief description.