Name: Wayne

AKA: Dragoon Knight

Birthday: January 17

Likes: Anime, Cosplaying, RPG's - Final Fantasy, Phantasy Star Online, Legend of Dragoon, and other Square titles, Movies, Music, Parties, and Girls...duh.

Dislikes: trying to think of stuff I dislike, annoying players on PSO, and many other things.

Hobbies: playing videogames - especially Final Fantasy IX, collecting all sorts of anime stuff, prop making, costume making, and improving.

Other Interesting Facts: Co-Founder of the Acme Boyz, webmaster for the Acme Boyz Cosplay page, Evil Mastermind...Evil.



Name: Lars

AKA: Saikyo Master Dan

Birthday: November 13

Likes: Anime, Cosplaying, Games, Parties, and many other things...

Dislikes: Many things...

Hobbies: D&D, Warhammer, Videogames, theater production

Other Interesting Facts: Co-Founder of the Acme Boyz, trains in Shotokan and is club president of the Shotokan Club at CSFullerton.



Name: Kjel

AKA: teeny weeny super dude

Birthday: April 20

Likes: many things...

Dislikes: Many things...

Hobbies: Stuff...

Other Interesting Facts: younger brother to master Dan, and can make monkey sounds O.o



Name: Quynn

AKA: Angel Knight

Birthday: October 15

Likes: RPG's, Drawing, Anime, and pretty girls... 8)

Dislikes: Annoying People

Hobbies: Drawing, videogames, sleeping.

Other Interesting Facts: new member of the Acme Boyz, younger brother to Dragoon Knight



Name: Cheryl

AKA: Ragnarok Plus

Birthday: September 26

Likes: Pretty things...

Dislikes: Ugly things...

Hobbies: Stuff...

Other Interesting Facts: Also a new member of the Acme Boyz, younger sister to Dragoon Knight.



Name: Youssef

AKA: The Giant

Birthday: January 12

Likes: Many things

Dislikes: Many things

Hobbies: Stuff...

Other Interesting Facts: First Acme Boyz cosplay as Amarant in the Three Little Mages from school sketch









Other Interesting Facts:









Other Interesting Facts:



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