Curriculum Vitae
László Váradi
teacher, trainer
I was born on 20th September, 1954 in Kiskunmajsa. My parents: Lajos Váradi
and Erzsébet Grezsa.
I got married in 1997 in Kiskunhalas. My wife was the member of the Hungarian
National Sportacrobatics Team and Hungarian Champion.
1969-73 Szilády Áron Secondary Grammar School (Kiskunhalas)
1976-78 College of Physical Education (Budapest) graduated gymnastics
1980-84 Bessenyei György Teacher Training College (Nyíregyháza)
specialized in Russian and PE
from 1978 leading trainer - CVSE, Cegléd
from 1991 teacher of PE - Kinizsi Pál Secondary Grammar School
from 1991 chairman - Sportacrobatics Club, Cegléd
Social activities:
from 1990 Chairman - Sportacrobatics Association of Pest County
from 1992 Chairman of the Sportacrobatic Department - MOTESZ (Association
of the Hungarian Gymnastics Clubs)
from 1993 Member of the Jury Board of the International Sportacrobatic
My trainer career, results:
1986 T. Sághi, M. Petõ, P. Sulyok European Championship
adults 4th place, World Championship adults 5th place
1989 Á. Sajgál - E. Boros Junior World Championship
two silver medals and a 4th place
1989 Men's 4-person team - Sportsmen of the Year
1989 Men's 4-person team - European Championship and Worldcup two
bronze and two silver medals (B. Czigony, T. Kiss, Zs. Stadler, F. Tóth).
Adult duo European Championship 4th place (B. Czigony, F. Tóth)
1991 Adult European Championship 5th place, Women's duo (Sajgál
- Boros)
1993 Adult World Championship 10th place, adult European Championship
8th place, Women's duo (Sajgál - Boros)
My sportsmen have won 112 Hungarian Champion titles and many first places
in international competitions for the last 20 years.
I organize two international competitions every year with participants
from 5-5 countries. This is the Halaspack International Sportacrobatic
1999 Award
for Hungarian Sports Presented by the minister of sports and youth Mr.
Deutsch Tamás on ...
The history of the sportacrobatics in Cegléd (1993)
Outstanding Trainer (1984, 1989)
Award for the Sport of Pest County (1992)
sports, fishing,
foreign languages,
taking photoes, politics, travelling
Address: H-2700 Cegléd, Köztársaság
u. 41. Pf.: 172.
+36-20-9416-351 (GSM mobile)