Chaos to Helenus (4th great-grandson of Dardanus) (Greek Mythological)
Descendants of Chaos

Generation No. 1

1.  CHAOS1

Chaos is the void, which came into being before anything else. But some say that Chaos was born from Mist and that Mist was the first to exist. Others say that Chaos is not a void but a rough unordered mass of things.
Child of CHAOS is:
2.    i.    GAIA2.

Generation No. 2

2.  GAIA2 (CHAOS1)  She married (2) URANUS, son of GAIA.  

Gaia is the Earth. She is the offspring of Chaos or comes into being after it.

Child of GAIA is:
3.    i.    URANUS3.

Children of GAIA and URANUS are:
4.    ii.    CRONOS3.
5.    iii.    IAPETUS.
6.    iv.    OCEANUS.
7.    v.    RHEA.
8.    vi.    TETHYS.

Generation No. 3

3.  URANUS3 (GAIA2, CHAOS1)  He married GAIA, daughter of CHAOS.  

Uranus, a.k.a. Sky / Heaven was first ruler of the Universe, covered Gaia on every side and became, in time, the abode of the gods
Children are listed above under (2) Gaia.

4.  CRONOS3 (URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1)  He married RHEA, daughter of URANUS and GAIA.  

Cronos castrated his father and became ruler of the universe.  Both Gaia and Uranus foretold Cronos that his own son would dethrone him. So to avoid this he used to swallow his children at birth. This enraged Rhea, who being pregnant with Zeus, went to Crete and gave him birth in a cave of Dicte. Nymphs fed the child Zeus on the milk of Amalthea and the Curetes in arms guarded the child in the cave, clashing their spears on their shields in order to prevent Cronos to hear his voice. In the meantime Rhea wrapped a stone in clothes and gave it to Cronos to swallow, as if it were the newborn child.
Child of CRONOS and RHEA is:
9.    i.    ZEUS4.

5.  IAPETUS3 (URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1)  He married CLYMENE, daughter of OCEANUS and TETHYS.  

Another version of Greek Mythology has Iapetus mating with Asia, an Oceanid.
Child of IAPETUS and CLYMENE is:
10.    i.    ATLAS4.

6.  OCEANUS3 (URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1)  He married TETHYS, daughter of URANUS and GAIA.  

The God of the backward-flowing river Ocean, which bounds the earth and from which all rivers flow and every sea, and all the springs and wells.
Children of OCEANUS and TETHYS are:
11.    i.    PLEIONE4.
12.    ii.    CLYMENE.

7.  RHEA3 (URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1)  She married CRONOS, son of URANUS and GAIA.  

Child is listed above under (4) Cronos.

8.  TETHYS3 (URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1)  She married OCEANUS, son of URANUS and GAIA.  

Children are listed above under (6) Oceanus.

Generation No. 4

9.  ZEUS4 (CRONOS4, URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1)  He married ELECTRA, daughter of ATLAS and PLEIONE.  

Zeus a.k.a. Jupiter, name given by the Romans.

When Zeus had grown up, he asked Metis to help him.  Metis gave Cronos a drug, which forced him to disgorge first the stone and then the children whom he had swallowed. Zeus waged war against Cronos and the Titans. This is how Zeus became the ruler of Heaven.
Child of ZEUS and ELECTRA is:
13.    i.    KING OF DARDANIA DARDANUS5, b. Arcadia; d. Dardania, Phrygia, Asia Minor.

10.  ATLAS4 (IAPETUS4, URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1)  He married PLEIONE, daughter of OCEANUS and TETHYS.  

 Atlas is said to have reigned in Arcadia and have been succeeded by Deimas, son of Dardanus, the king who is at the origin of the royal house of Troy.
 Atlas is best known for bearing on his shoulders the pillars which keep earth and heaven apart.  This is the punishment Zeus imposed on him for having been the leader of the Titans, whom he waged war against.
Child of ATLAS and PLEIONE is:
14.    i.    ELECTRA5.

11.  PLEIONE4 (OCEANUS4, URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1)  She married ATLAS, son of IAPETUS and CLYMENE.  
Child is listed above under (10) Atlas.

12.  CLYMENE4 (OCEANUS4, URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1)  She married IAPETUS, son of URANUS and GAIA.  

Child is listed above under (5) Iapetus.

Generation No. 5

13.  KING OF DARDANIA DARDANUS5 (ZEUS5, CRONOS4, URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1) was born in Arcadia, and died in Dardania, Phrygia, Asia Minor.  He married PRINCESS OF THE TEUCRI BATEIA.  

Titles: King of Arcadia / King of Dardania

Dardanus, the son of Zeus and Electra, fled from Arcadia across the sea to Samothrace.  When a flood visited that island, he crossed over to the Troad in a raft made of hides.  The Troad is a region surrounding the future site of Troy in Asia Minor.  Teucer, who was King of Phrygia and the first king of the Troad, hospitably received him. Teucer was the son of the river-god Scamander and Idaea, a nymph of Mount Ida.  Dardanus married Bateia, Teucer's daughter.  After Teucer's death he became ruler of the region, which he named Dardania.  Dardanus' great-grandson Ilus moved closer to the sea and founded a city that he named Ilium.  Ilium was often called Troy after Tros, Ilus' father and Dardanus' grandson. The town of Dardanus, adjoining Troy, preserved the name of the ancient king.  Thus, Dardanus was the founder of the royal house of Troy.

Child of DARDANUS and BATEIA is:
15.    i.    KING OF DARDANIA ERICHTHONIUS6, b. 1374 BC - Dardania, Phrygia, Asia Minor; d. 1368 BC - Dardania, Phrygia, Asia Minor.

14.  ELECTRA5 (ATLAS5, IAPETUS4, URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1)  She married ZEUS, son of CRONOS and RHEA.  
Child is listed above under (9) Zeus.

Generation No. 6

15.  KING OF DARDANIA ERICHTHONIUS6 (DARDANUS6, ZEUS5, CRONOS4, URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1) was born in 1374 BC - Dardania, Phrygia, Asia Minor, and died in 1368 BC - Dardania, Phrygia, Asia Minor.  He married QUEEN OF DARDANIA ASTYOCHE, whose father is the river god Simoeis.

Erichthonius a.k.a. Erictanus
Astyoche a.k.a. Astyoche of Acadia / Astvocho
16.    i.    KING OF DARDANIA TROS7, b. 1344 BC - Dardania, Phrygia, Asia Minor; d. 1328 BC - Dardania, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.

Generation No. 7

16.  KING OF DARDANIA TROS7 (ERICHTHONIUS7, DARDANUS6, ZEUS5, CRONOS4, URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1) was born in 1344 BC - Dardania, Phrygia, Asia Minor, and died in 1328 BC - Dardania, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.  He married QUEEN OF TROY CALLIRRHOE.  

Two Ruling Houses  
 Tros succeeded his father Erichthonius to the throne. He gave his name to the land (Troad) and to the people living in the Troad (Trojans). His son, Ganymede was so beautiful, that Zeus in the form of an eagle, abducted the youth. Ganymede became the cupbearer in Olympus. Zeus gave Tros a couple of immortal horses and vine made of gold, to compensate for abducting the king's son.
 The Dardanians people, was then divided into two separate groups, between his two other sons by Callirrhoë (Callirrhoe): Ilus and Assaracus. Assaracus succeeded his father and continued to rule at Dardania, while Ilus chose to move closer to the sea. Ilus founded the city that he named Ilium, after himself. Ilium was, however, often called Troy, after his father. The two brothers began to rule two separate houses.
 On the Dardanian line, Assaracus' son, Capys, married Themiste, daughter of Ilus and Eurydice. Capys became the father of Anchises. Anchises was a lover of Aphrodite, who bore him a son and hero, Aeneas. Zeus struck Anchises with a thunderbolt, when he boasted of having slept with the love-goddess. He became a cripple, unable to walk. His son ruled Dardania in his place. Aeneas was the only leader, who fought on the Trojan side, to survive the Trojan War.
Child of TROS and CALLIRRHOE is:
17.    i.    KING OF TROY ILUS8, b. 1315 BC - Dardania, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor; d. 1279 BC - Ilium/Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.

Generation No. 8

17.  KING OF TROY ILUS8 (TROS8, ERICHTHONIUS7, DARDANUS6, ZEUS5, CRONOS4, URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1) was born in 1315 BC - Dardania, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor, and died in 1279 BC - Ilium/Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.  He married QUEEN OF TROY EURYDICE.  

Eurydice a.k.a. Eurydike
Child of ILUS and EURYDICE is:
18.    i.    KING OF TROY LAOMEDON9, b. 1285 BC - Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor; d. 1235 BC - Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.

Generation No. 9

18.  KING OF TROY LAOMEDON9 (ILUS9, TROS8, ERICHTHONIUS7, DARDANUS6, ZEUS5, CRONOS4, URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1) was born in 1285 BC - Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor, and died in 1235 BC - Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.  He married QUEEN OF TROY PLACIA.  

 On the Trojan line, Ilus who was the founder and king of Troy, married Eurydice, and became the father Laomedon. As it was said before, his daughter Themiste married his nephew, Capys (of the Dardanian line). His son Laomedon succeeded Ilus. Of the two royal lines, those of Troy became more powerful than the older Dardanian line, under the rule of Laomedon.
 The new king married Strymo, Placia or Leucippe. Whichever woman he married, he was the father of Podarces (Priam) and many other sons. He had at least one daughter, Hesione. His son Tithonus was abducted by Eos, goddess of dawn, and taken to Ethiopia, Syria. The goddess bore him a son Memnon.
 Laomedon was known as the king, for his arrogance and impiety and who refused to honors his promises. Poseidon and Apollo, possibly punished for rebelling against Zeus, had to work for one year for a mortal. The two gods disguised as builders, was hired to work alongside with a mortal, Aeacus, son of Zeus and Aegina, (father of Peleus and Telamon), to build the walls of Troy. Poseidon and Apollo wanted the vine of gold as payment for their work. Laomedon agreed. After the gods finished building the wall, Laomedon refused to pay their wages for their services. Apollo caused the plague within the city, while Poseidon send a sea-monster to ravage the Trojan countryside.
 The seers told Laomedon, that land would be spare, if the king sacrifice his daughter to the sea-monster. Chaining his daughter, Hesione and waited for monster to arrive. Heracles, who was performing the ninth labour (fetching the girdle of Hippolyte), stopped at Troy. Learning what was about to happen, Heracles wanted Laomedon's immortal horses in exchange for rescuing his daughter. Laomedon agreed. After killing the monster, again Laomedon refused to pay. Heracles angry at the Trojan king betrayal on his promise, planned to return with an army, after he finish performing the twelve labours.
 Heracles raised an army in Tiryns, and the Argonaut hero, Telamon of Salamis, son of Aeacus. After capturing the city, Laomedon was killed, along with many of his sons, and Heracles gave Heisone to Telamon as concubine. She allowed Hesione to ransomed one captive. Hesione ransomed her youngest brother Podarces, with her veil. Podarces became king of Troy, and changed his name to Priam, which means "ransom".
Child of LAOMEDON and PLACIA is:
19.    i.    KING OF TROY PODARCES > PRIAM10, b. 1255 BC - Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor; d. 1183 BC - Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.

Generation No. 10

19.  KING OF TROY PODARCES > PRIAM10 (LAOMEDON10, ILUS9, TROS8, ERICHTHONIUS7, DARDANUS6, ZEUS5, CRONOS4, URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1) was born in 1255 BC - Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor, and died in 1183 BC - Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.  He married PRINCESS OF PHRYGIA HECUBA, whose father was Dymas the King of Phrygia.  
 Being the only son of Laomedon to survive a war against Heracles, he was ransomed by his sister, and he became king of Troy.
 His first wife was Arisbe, daughter of Merops, king of Percote. They had a son, Aesacus, who was a gifted seer. Priam soon married Hecuba, daughter of Dymas. With Hecuba, he became father of Hector, Paris, Cassandra, Helenus and many other children (some say as many as fifty, by some other women as well as Hecuba). Before Paris was born, Hecuba had a vision, that the seer interpreted that Paris would one-day causes the destruction of Troy. Priam had his second son by Hecuba, exposed in the wild.
 He was ally of Mygdonians and fought the Amazons, in his youth. Years later, Paris returned to Troy and was recognised. Their parents had forgotten the warning by the seer (possibly Aesacus) and welcome him home.
 When three goddesses asked Paris to judge and award the golden apple to the fairest goddess, he awarded the apple to goddess of love, Aphrodite. Aphrodite promised him the fairest woman, Helen of Sparta. This would result in the outbreak of war between the Greeks and the Trojans.
 Priam would have return Helen, when Greek embassy demanded the return of Helen to her husband Menelaüs (Menelaus). But Paris prevailed upon his father to refuse. As a result the war lasted for ten years and all but one son would die in the war. His son, Helenus, also a seer, would be the only son to survive the war. Hecuba all his daughter became enslaved. Neoptolemus, son of Achilles, would kill the aged king (Priam).
Child of PRIAM and HECUBA is:
20.    i.    KING OF EPIRUS HELENUS11, b. 1225 BC - Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.

Generation No. 11

20.  KING OF EPIRUS HELENUS11 (PRIAM11, LAOMEDON10, ILUS9, TROS8, ERICHTHONIUS7, DARDANUS6, ZEUS5, CRONOS4, URANUS3, GAIA2, CHAOS1) was born in 1225 BC - Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.

The Trojan War
 Helen was the most beautiful woman in the world. Helen of Sparta was better known as Helen of Troy. Helen had two possible mothers: 1) One version, says that Helen was daughter of Nemesis, goddess of retribution, who was seduced by Zeus in the form of swan. Nemesis lay a blue and silver egg, which somehow came into Leda's possession. When the egg hatched, Helen was born. Leda brought the girl up as her own daughter.  2) A more popular version was that, it was Leda, daughter of Thestius, whom Zeus had seduced in the form of swan. Helen was born from one of several golden eggs lay by Leda. This would make her, the sister of Polydeuces and half-sister of Castor and Clymnestra, whose father was Tyndareüs (Tyndareus), king of Sparta. She was also half-sister of Timandra, Phlionoë (Phlione), and Phoebe.
 While she was only twelve-year old, the Athenian hero Theseus intended to marry her. Aided by his companion Peirthoüs (Peirithous), they abducted her. Theseus left her in the care of his mother, Aethra. As sister of the famous twins, Dioscuri (Castor & Polydeuces) and their army attack Athens and brought their sister back to Sparta. The Dioscuri took Aethra as captive and used her as slave of Helen. Some say that Iphigeneia was daughter of Helen and Theseus.
 As she reached marriageable age, she had many powerful suitors that Tyndareüs fear any suitor she chooses would offend the others. Odysseus solved this problem by advising the Spartan king that all suitors must swear oaths, not only to accept whoever she chooses, but also rendered any aid to her future husband. She chose Menelaüs (Menelaus), son of Atreus and brother of Agamemnon. Menelaüs became king of Sparta. She bore him a daughter, Hermione.
 When the Trojan prince, Paris came to court of Sparta, Menelaüs entertained him for a week, before leaving for Crete to attend his grandfather's funeral. During Menelaüs' absence, the goddess made Helen fall in love with Paris. Helen ran off to Troy with Paris and married him. This resulted in a war between the Greeks and Trojans that would last for ten years. She had the face that launched a thousand ships (1227 to be precise).
 Before the end of the war when Paris was killed, Paris' two brothers fought over her: Helenus and Deïphobus. Deïphobus won, and forced her to marry him.  Odysseus captured Helenus, who was a Trojan seer. When Troy fell to the Greeks, Menelaüs killed Deïphobus. He would have also kill Helen for her unfaithfulness and causing this long war. Though she was no longer young, she was still beautiful, that Menelaüs immediately fell under her charm.
 Either Menelaüs' impatient to get home or his anger for the gods for allowing the war to last so long, he neglected to sacrifice to the gods. The same storm that killed the Lesser Ajax, drove Menelaus' ships off course. He and Helen remained stranded in Egypt for seven years, before the gods allowed him to return to his kingdom.
 Neoptolemus brought Helenus to Epirus as his prisoner.  On arrival to Epirus (the Adriatic coastal region of Greece between the Ambracian Gulf and Illyria, today called Albania), Neoptolemus defeated the Molossians, reigned over them for a brief time, and become King of Epirus and the islands off Epirus.
 Deidamia is daughter of King Lycomedes of Scyros, the island in the Aegean Sea northeast of Euboea. She discovered Achilles' female disguise, and much later, after Achilles' death, she tried to persuade Neoptolemus not to go to the Trojan War. After the war, when Neoptolemus was reigning over the Molossians in Epirus, he gave Deidamia as wife to Helenus.  Helenus founded a city in Molossia.

    i.    KING OF TROY ZENTER12, b. 1195 BC - Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor; d. Aft. 1149 BC- Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.

Zenter a.k.a. Genger