Did you ever wonder if it is possible to trace your ancestry back to Adam & Eve?  If you can trace your ancestry back to a European ruler it is possible.  The concept of "Divine Right of Kings" once influenced European rulers to find a family connection to a worthy character in the Bible in order to add validity to their claim to the throne.  The rulers may have fabricated their Biblical Ancestry and thus the right to rule.  Perhaps such rulers were related to an individual mentioned in the Bible and under religious conception Adam & Eve.  Adam & Eve to Darda Descendant Report

Prior to the spread of Christianity in Europe, Greek Mythology was a religious belief structure.  Darda (Biblical Name) is referred to as Dardanus in Greek Mythology.  Dardanus is the son of Zeus, the third king of the Greek gods and ruler of the Universe.  (In the Old Testament, Darda is the son of Zerah, who is the son of Judea.)  The rise and fall of the House of Troy is preserved in Greek Mythological text.  Dardanus was the founder of the House of Troy. Helenus, Trojan seer & 4th great-grandson of Dardanus, was captured by the Achaeans during the Trojan War and forced to tell how Troy could be taken.  Chaos to Helenus Descendant Report

Zenter, son of Helenus, continued as the King of Troy.  Fifteen generations later was Alexandre, the last King of Troy.  Alexandre's son Priam III moved his kingdom from Troy to Scythia on the Black Sea and was the King of the Cimmerians.  Eleven generations of ancestors carried this title.  Then Marcomir moved the Cimmerians of Scythia on the Black Sea to West Friezland, Gelders, Holland, and crossed the Rhine and conquered northern Gaul.  Marcomir was then named the King of Sicambri.  Fifteen generations of Sicambri Kingship saw way to Francus, who changed the tribal name of Sicambris to Francis and is known as the First King of the Franks.  Dardanus to Francus Descendant Report

Francus the First King of the Franks led a Frankish-Saxon-Thuringian army of 300,000 against the Romans.  Ironically his 30th great-grandson Charlemagne King of the Franks was crowned as the First Holy Roman Emperor.  The empire of Charlemagne consummated the alliance between the Roman Papacy and the growing kingdom of the Franks.  Francus to Charlemagne Descendant Report

Charlemagne's son, Charles "The Younger" King of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor is the last individual to hold the title of king in my ancestry.  Charlemagne's inheritance was immediately disputed by his son and grandsons.  There was a civil war in 817 and in 843 with the Treaty of Verdun the Frankland was divided three-ways between surviving grandchildren.  Charlemagne is the forefather of the present France, Italy, and Germany.  

Upon Charlemagne's death, Charles "The Younger" became the King of Neustria.  This region became part of France in 843 with the Treaty of Verdun.  In the year of 1125 William De Meschines, 8th great-grandson of Charles "The Younger", died and was succeeded by a pregnant wife, Cecily De Rumilly.  Between 1125-1126 she migrated to England and thus began the English heredity.  In the early 1640's Thomas Barnes III, Earl of Cambridge and 26th great-grandson of Charles "The Younger", migrated from England to America.  Charlemagne to Thomas Barnes III Descendant Report

Thomas Barnes III with his wife and son emigrated from Surrey, England and settled in Hartford, Connecticut about 1642.  Their son Thomas Barnes IV married Anna in 1679 and settled in Hingham, Massachusetts.  From the seventeenth to twenty-first century descendants have continued to settle in Massachusetts.  I, Shannon (Wier) Barton, am the 11th great-granddaughter of Thomas Barnes III.  Thomas Barnes III to Shannon (Wier) Barton Descendant Report

Adam & Eve "are" my 142nd Grandparents.  Be it true or false - I find the family lineage most interesting.  Browse the descendant reports and see if you can find a relative of yours that may link you to Adam & Eve.

I would appreciate any comments, corrections, or inquiries you may have.  You can e-mail me at FamilyBranches@hotmail.com