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Gems of wisdom & nuggets of fury.

Harold Binkleyisms:
1. While Harold and his son Craig filled wheelbarrel load after load of gravel on a sticky, hot day, Harold asks Craig, "Can you imagine anything worse?"
2. Seeing that Harold was using the heavy and awkward wheelbarrel for another load, I suggested he take the little wheelbarrel for a relaxed change. He wouldn't do it: "You got to leave the dance with the one you brought."
3. "Chinning" is to be chatty.

John Hartsburgese:
1. The first thing out of John's mouth to everyone at the site is, "Did I tell you how good you look today?"
2. John went with me to Lowe's to grab supplies for the Friday the 13th fiasco, and he did his best to offer some comfort to my stressed-out mood at the time, "Boy, it's going to be niiiice when it's finished." That's become his catchphrase during any sweaty, dirty, frustrating episode of work!
3. "I dig better than anyone this side of the Mason Dixon Line." Any diggers out there from the other side of the Line?

Casey Winningham Tenets:
1. To his son Ian on our emergency retaining wall against the house: "It's only temporary, unless, of course, it works."

Jon McNabberations:
1. Being a natural skeptic, Jon's appreciation of the Arxx concrete/rebar design was born: "You're building a f____ prison!"

Rob Shadoin Tidbits:
1. "You're working me like a borrowed mule." Giddie-up, now.

Tim Jeffers:
1. "We stack a lot of block, do some stucco, drink a lot of beer."