



Q. What are Saiyans?
A. Saiyans are a warrior race on Dragonball Z. The main character, Goku, is a Saiyan. They have fuzzy tails which they need to turn into a giant ape after looking at a full moon. Saiyans can also become a Super Saiyan, but they can't have their tails to do this. A Super Saiyan transformation includes spiky golden hair and aqua eyes.
Q. Do Vegeta and Goku's mothers really look like the sprites?
A. They could look like that. Their mothers weren't shown to us during any of the Dragonball series or movies. If you have a certain image of these two Saiyans, please email me and I can most likely make her in your image for you.
Q. Who are Cauli, Shallot, and Petsai?
A. Nobody really. These are Saiyans that haven't been given a name. Cauli was pictured in the Bardock Special while Shallot and Petsai are of my own creation. Cauli is named after the vegetable cauliflower; Petsai is named after the vegetable petsai; Shallot is named after the vegetable shallot.
Q. Why does Goku's mother have blond hair?
A. Everyone assumes that Saiyans have to have black hair. This isn't neccessary true. King and Prince Vegeta both had a redish black hair color; Prince Vegeta's hair changed to a pure black color later. In the Bardock Special (I own the DVD), they have section about the history of Planet Vegeta and Saiyans. When the Saiyans were taking of the Planet, there was a blonde female Saiyan with curly hair (I think she had curly hair). I believe that a selected few Saiyans are born with another hair color than black. Vegeta's family seems to be able to have different hair colors, and I don't believe that it's just because his children are half Saiyans.
Q. How do I make my sprites?
A. In the beginning, I played around with other sprites I find. Especially the Sailor Moon sprites because I found a lot of those. Then, I came to the idea of making Saiyans. I had to find pictures of Saiyans so I can make their outfits. It took awhile to get some of the colors match and the design of their armor, gloves, and shoes. Then, once I got a basic base--the armor and body--I copy them and changed them to fit other characters. Most of the Saiyans' hair I design myself. I noticed that a lot of people making sprites didn't make the hair look right. I haven't seen a Goku or Vegeta with the 'right' kind of hair. Anyway, I used Paint to make them. I don't have any fancy art programs.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me ( Thanks!

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