Jesse Quick
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JESSE QUICK, FLASH, IMPULSE, MAX MERCURY, LIBERTY BELLE, JOHNNY QUICK, JSA, TITANS, ALL STAR SQUADRON, KINGDOM COME, and other related properties and images are ©1941-1999 by D.C. Comics

Hi! This page will be for any emails I get for Quickstart Enterprises that I'd like to share with all of you, my visitors and fellow fans of Jesse.

First up is a letter someone was kind enough to send me in which the Wonder Woman + Jesse Quick issue is summarized:

Wonder Woman Plus 1 featuring Jesse Quick
January, 1997

Written by Christopher Priest - who freakin' rocks!
There are ALOT of references to things that have happened to JQ over the past several years. There is sufficient explaination for them as well as little *'s to tell you where to find the stories. It's told from JQ's POV so WW is actually more of a supporting charactor.

Story opens with a quick flashback of Jesse Quick's mom - Liberty Bell (did not know that!) - and how she changed from being a heroine to an angry woman who no longer wanted to be a superhero.

cut to - today. jesse is in the thick of a hostage situation but resolves it, with a little unwanted help from the cops.

Jesse contemplates going to see her mom. They haven't been getting along for a long time bcuz of jesse's decision to be a superhero like her father, johnny quick. she zips to her mom's flat to find her unconscience in the aftermath of a battle. Liberty is down for the count and put in the hospital.

The assailants are Savitar's followers, looking for a souvenier jesse took from her mom years before - Savitar's scroll. it's an old document written in ancient greek. ergo - the WW connection (btw the first time we see WW is as Diana - on page 16!)

Diana and Helena sorta translate it as a petition to Hermes. JQ figures out that it will give Savitar's followers the ability to create a beacon to bring the baddie back from the Speed Force. On cue, they attack and get mopped up cuz the one of the followers has stolen some speed force (see next paragraph).

While recovering, they visit Julia K. and figure out where the bad guys have gone. They bolt to some island and find Christina - someone from the Soviet's Red Trinity experiment to duplicate Flash's speed - ready to go beyond the speed of light, thanks to the scroll, and get Savitar.

All three get sucked into the portal. WW somehow gets JQ caught in her lasso and..well, here Priest really shows his stuff. In the course of three pages, JQ is forced to examine why she is hellbent on stopping Christina and why she is a speedster at all. I'd really be doing an injustice to try and synopsize what happens but here goes:

It's really good. JQ is angry with Wally for pretending to give her the Flash suit - long ago story line - since he only did it to make Impulse get serious about studying his speed. She felt violated bcuz she loved - loves? - him. She's also mad at her dad for leaving her to intentionally go into the Speed Force. All along she had been looking to replace her father and kept trying - is still trying? - to replace him with Wally. She admits "...until today...never could think about it. But the truth is...had it beeen me hitting the barrier...I would have left too."

Victorious, the two head to visit Liberty. JQ refuses to accept that her mom is simply fed up with heroing. She believes her mom feels the some of the same things about Johnny Quick that she herself is feeling. With WW's help, they agree to start the healing process.

WHEW! it really was a great story. I had forgotten. the art is also really good - Mike Collins pencils, Tom Palmer inks, and Ian Laughlin colors. get it if you can

((Synopsis by Ultraaman, at the DC boards))

Sent by "Jesse Quick"

-- Thanks!

hey yo great page, Jesse is a great character, my 2nd favorite speeder...sorry Impusle is my fav, stil greta page

from "AMC"

-- Thanks, Impulse is ok too.

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