Liz Vitale's






What is a Betta?


Betta Splendens

AKA: Siamese Fighting Fish, Combatant

Description & origin: Bettas are labyrinth fish.Labyrinth fish include Gouramis (sub-family Trichogasterinae), Kissing fish (family Helostomatidae) and Fighting fish (bettas) and Paradise fish (sub-family Macropodinae)..The name labyrinth fish refers to the labyrinth organ which is present in all these fish. This organ allows the fish to absorb atmospheric oxygen that is taken in at the surface.In short, bettas breathe AIR.That is why they need plenty of oxygen at the surface and it not be plugged with a lid or plant, as in the hideous "betta vase" setup.Labyrinth fish are native to Asia and Africa. Bettas in their wild form come from the rice patties and rivers of southeast Asia.The betta in pet stores have been selectively bred in all kinds of bright colors,nearly any color imaginable. Females are smaller than males, have shorter fins and generally less color, but many females are very showy little fish themselves.

Male Bettas can not be put into the same tank together as their instinct is to fight and nearly kill one another.This territorial behavior no doubt derives from living in such small quantities of water in the wild. Females can sometimes be kept together in the same tank as long as it is large enough and has enough cover to provide places they can avoid one another. I personally am not an advocate of this, wanting to keep as little stress on my pets as possible.As far as I'm concerned,(and this applies to all fish)"survival of the fittest" should not apply to  an enclosed,artificial environment like a fish tank.My females have tanks totally to themselves.

I am also not an advocate of competition-fighting these fish, I feel it is a barbaric parctice that people in this century should be above in their intelligence and respect for living creatures.


Sinatra and the tank god


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