Liz Vitale's






Bettas--Current Members---Females









Medium-size female betta, mostly purple with a nice spotting on her dorsal fin.

From my journal:
I was at Wal Mart, looking at the bettas...and then I saw a teeeny male--no, was that a female? (squints)I looked for the little egg-poker(thats what I call it when I can't remember the ovi-word)and there it was. And it said "female" on the lid of the cup. Wow! She was purple with blue and red on her fins. And so teeeeny! So she was mine. Got her home and gave her a tank with a deep purple plant in it, she likes it very much, she has checked out every inch and eaten a whole bunch of betta bites already.She seems entranced by her rock, too, she swam round and round it.
Her name is Elvira.Oh, she is so lovely.



Named for a female movie character vampire,Carmilla is a medium-sized red/bronze female from WalMart, and has a distinctive dark red slash on her tail, but in this pic you can barely see it.



Another red female from WalMart, probably Carmilla's sibling.Named for a character in Pirates of the Carribbean.Scarlett is nearly impossible to get in a picture without her being blurred.



Another female from WalMart, Juno has so many colors it's hard to describe them all. She is mostly green, with patches of blue, purple and red. She is named after Juno, the goddess associated with the peacock.