scooby,s hot weblog Evryone has the right to my opinion!
Friday, 2 July 2004
'Mustard gas warheads found in Iraq'
AGENCIES[ FRIDAY, JULY 02, 2004 11:06:28 PM ]
WASHINGTON: Polish troops recently discovered more than a dozen warheads containing mustard or sarin gas in Iraq, US defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in a recent radio interview.
Rumsfeld said Polish defence minister Jerzy Szmajdzinski told him about the find when they met earlier this week at a NATO summit in Istanbul.
"He pointed out that his troops in Iraq had recently come across--I've forgotten the number, but something like 16 or 17--warheads that contained sarin andmustard gas,'' Rumsfeld told Newradio 600 KOGOof SanDiego,California in an interview on Thursday.
more here on timesofindia
Posted by ah_52
at 10:29 PM

Palestinians cheer killing of suspected collaborator
From combined dispatches
QABATIYA, West Bank -- Cheered on by a crowd, Palestinian gunmen yesterday fatally shot a man for reputedly collaborating with Israel and sexually abusing his two young daughters.

42-year-old Hamad Rafiq Abdel Razek falls on the ground as he is shot by militants of Al Aqsa Martyrs'''' Brigades, a violent group loosely affiliated with Yasser Arafat''''s Fatah movement.
watchtimes tells it
Posted by ah_52
at 10:23 PM

Poles Find Chemical Munitions in Iraq
Warheads believed to contain the deadly nerve agent cyclosarin that were found by Polish troops in Iraq date back to Saddam Hussein's war with Iran in the 1980s, authorities said Friday.
"Beyond any doubt, the warheads date back to 1980-88 and were used against the Kurds and in the Iraqi-Iranian war," said a statement from the Polish command.
Last month, Polish troops in south-central Iraq recovered 17 rockets for a Soviet-era launcher and two mortar rounds filled with chemical substances, said Lt. Col. Robert Strzelecki, a spokesman for the Polish-led force, in a telephone interview from Iraq.
"Laboratory tests showed the presence in them of cyclosarin, a very toxic gas, five times stronger than sarin and five times more durable," multinational force commander Gen. Mieczyslaw Bieniek told Poland's TVN24 at the force's Camp Babylon headquarters
exposed has the artical
Posted by ah_52
at 4:19 AM

Simple On-line Saheeh Bukhari Search Engine
All you wand to know what refers to mohammeds life.
The peacekeeper of islam. Th flogging and stoning tells what kind of Animal he was.
type in "sex" and you get to fazes like this.
Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar :
The Jew brought to the Prophet a man and a woman from amongst
them who have committed (adultery) illegal sexual
intercourse. He ordered both of them to be stoned (to death),
near the place of offering the funeral prayers beside the
mosque." 3.508:
Narrated Zaid bin Khalid and Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "O Unais! Go to the wife of this (man) and
if she confesses (that she has committed illegal sexual
intercourse), then stone her to death."But hey!!! what about men in islam... read about it here a few fazes further.
Narrated Zaid bin Khalid:
Allah's Apostle ordered that an unmarried man who committed
illegal sexual intercourse be scourged one hundred lashes and
sent into exile for one year. and this is what happened after that.
Narrated Abu Huraira and Zaid bin Khalid Al-Juhani:
A bedouin came and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Judge between us
according to Allah's Laws." His opponent got up and said, "He
is right. Judge between us according to Allah's Laws." The
bedouin said, "My son was a laborer working for this man, and
he committed illegal sexual intercourse with his wife. The
people told me that my son should be stoned to death; so, in
lieu of that, I paid a ransom of one hundred sheep and a
slave girl to save my son. Then I asked the learned scholars
who said, "Your son has to be lashed one-hundred lashes and
has to be exiled for one year." The Prophet said, "No doubt I
will judge between you according to Allah's Laws. The slave-
girl and the sheep are to go back to you, and your son will
get a hundred lashes and one year exile." He then addressed
somebody, "O Unais! go to the wife of this (man) and stone
her to death" So, Unais went and stoned her to death.5.188:
Narrated `Amr bin Maimun:
During the pre-lslamic period of ignorance I saw a she-monkey
surrounded by a number of monkeys. They were all stoning it,
because it had committed illegal sexual intercourse. I too,
stoned it along with them.And you as a muslim..Dont you worry. You can take youre wife from end evry way you like.
Narrated Jabir:
Jews used to say: "If one has sexual intercourse with his
wife from the back, then she will deliver a squint-eyed
child." So this Verse was revealed:--
"Your wives are a tilth unto you; so go to your tilth when or
how you will." (2.223) the search machine
Posted by ah_52
at 3:40 AM

Tuesday, 29 June 2004
Brutal killing by islamics in iraq.
(Basra, Iraq)Janet and Shatha Odisho, Assyrian sisters working for Bechtel at Basra Airport, were shot and killed on Tuesday as they returned home from work. Their driver was wounded in the attack, which occurred at about 5 PM local time. Their father had been waiting at his window for his daughters to return when he heard gunfire and saw a white pick-up truck speeding away. "I picked one of them up," he said, "and she was dead. I went to pick up the other but found her dead too."

The funeral and burial will be held in Mosul, north Iraq.
Attacks on Assyrians, who are Christians, continue to intensify. On June 7th seven Assyrians were killed in one day
read the story
Posted by ah_52
at 9:32 PM

The White Moon Gallery Presents
Read all about the anciant moongodesses and find out what islam has to do with this.

As early as 3,500 BCE - 500 BCE in Sumer, a land situated in what is now South Iraq, a great Goddess was revered and worshiped. The Sumerians called her Inanna. Throughout the Near East, she was also called Ishtar, Ishara, Irnini, Astarte, Asherah, Ninanna (Queen of the Sky), Ninsianna (personification of the planet Venus), Anahita and Ma. Inanna was said to be born from the Moon Goddess, Ningal and the Moon God, Nanna. Hence, Ninanna being a variation of the two. Her great grandparents being Nammu, Goddess of the Watery Deep and An, the Sky God.
Created by Ishtaramuslims wil hate me for this... but who cares?
Posted by ah_52
at 11:13 AM
Sunday, 27 June 2004
saddam is under iraqi authority now
CAIRO, June 28 (Itar-Tass) -- Ousted Iraqi president Saddam Hussein and his closest associates were handed over by the multi-national forces to the Iraqi Justice Ministry, Al Jazeera television reported.
The trial of him is planned for next week.
itar-tass tells all about it.
Posted by ah_52
at 11:42 PM
Sunday, 27 June 2004
Palestinian militants kill two Israelis, including 3-year-old, in a rocket attack
SDEROT, Israel - Palestinian militants fired two home-made rockets from Gaza at an Israeli border town Monday, killing an Israeli man and his 3-year-old grandson near the toddler's nursery school.
It marked the first time in nearly four years of fighting that Israelis were killed by rockets from Gaza, and harsh Israeli retaliation was expected. Seven people were wounded in Monday's attack.
The rocket attack was the latest in a burst of attacks by Palestinian militants. Late Sunday, militants blew up an Israeli army outpost in the heart of Gaza, killing one soldier and wounding five. The attackers had dug a 350-meter (1,000-feet) long tunnel to the outpost, and stuffed it with hundreds of kilos of explosives. The blast collapsed a building, and briefly trapped one soldier.
Read the whole artical oin
khaleef times ,
cnn and
sabc news
Posted by ah_52
at 10:06 PM

Slain Palestinian militant had stood up to Arafat
By Wafa Amr
RAMALLAH, West Bank, June 27 (Reuters) - When Israel killed its most wanted man in the West Bank, it may also have removed a headache for Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
As the most senior commander for the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades in its West Bank heartland, Nayef Abu Sharkh had led a drive to unify the disparate bands of the armed faction within Arafat's Fatah movement.
reuters tells it all
Posted by ah_52
at 3:41 AM

Palestinians vow revenge
Where is the logic here..
Nablus - Tens of thousands of mourners paid their last respects Sunday to seven Palestinians, including three senior militant commanders, killed during a major Israeli operation in this West Bank town.
About 30 000 people packed the streets of Nablus chanting demands for revenge in the heart of Israel after the killings on Saturday which were fiercely condemned by Palestinian premier Ahmed Qorei.
read it here
Posted by ah_52
at 12:20 AM
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