Emails I have received - page 4

Hello. Just wanted to share my K-- experience. I really loved my '97 K-- Sport--- for the first 6 months despite taking it to the dealership for "check engine" issues on several occasions. However, after the first 6 months things just got worse. I came to know most of the service personnel on a first name basis. (Fortunately the waiting area had a TV and a good selection of magazines.) I would just pop in without an appointment and they would 'fix' the problem and I'd drive off-without any paper work of what was done (stupid me) I guess I just naively trusted them-they seemed so nice...Well about a year after my purchase I popped into the service dept. without an appointment (as usual) and was told that they no longer serviced the K--s they had closed the dealership. This left me quite angry and frustrated as neither K-- nor the local dealership had informed me of this fact. Now the closest K-- dealership was a 2 hour drive away.
Anyway, the major problems I've had with my Sport---- are 'check engine' light constantly on. Symptoms are fast idling while stopped and 'buck-chucking' while in motion. The diagnostic came back as mass air-flow sensor error - for the fast idling and multiple misfire for the 'buck-chucking'. Both of these problems were occuring while the vehicle was still under warranty but whatever they did to 'correct' the problem was apparently just a temporary fix to get me on my way (and out of theirs). It was after the warranty ran out after I hit 36,000 miles (at least 1000 of that driving back and forth to dealership 2 hours away) that they advised me that some expensive repairs were necessary to correct these problems. Well, at the time I was living on an annual income barely above the national poverty level, I could not have the work done. So I drove it with these problems until recently. I finally was financially able to have the work done at a dealership. They put on new coils, plugs and wires (tune-up) for only $400!!! Two days after I got it back, it was driving alot better but then the check engine light came back on. I called the service dept. and took it back in. This time the diagnostic came back as a mass air-flow sensor error. The service rep. let it slip that this was a problem commonly seen on these models but it was actually loose ground wires and that there would be no parts involved but the labor to get to these loose wires would be only another $180.00!!! Well, I asked to speak to the service manager and he waved his 'magic wand' and made the new charges go away under the premise that he would write it off as a recall/warranty repair. I told him that I never received a recall notice and he kind of stuttered something about there wasn't a recall notice...anyway, I was just pleased that I didn't have to pay any more money at that point. Upon picking up my vehicle the second time, I heard this loud 'whirring' noise that had been present prior to me taking the vehicle in the first time as well as the second time. I figured that this noise would go away once the repairs were done as I figured they were all related. The service rep. pulled the vehicle into the garage again and the same mechanic who had worked on my car on both ocassions told him it was the timing belt. Well, my first thought was why didn't you tell me that after the first time you had the car and now he had neglected to inform me of it a second time. If I hadn't asked, they wouldn't have told me. Well, initially my frustration/anger was now the vehicle needed to go back for a third time! Not to mention the $350.00 it was going to cost to replace the timing belt. Well, I've gotten a second opinion on the whirring noise and have been told that timing belts don't generally make noise before breaking-they just break without warning. The noise is apparently the alternator - a $350.00 repair also. So, now I find myself driving around in the K-- with the whirring noise. I hope to have the alternator and timing belt as well as the other belts replaced this coming week for about $600.00 at an independent mechanic who I trust and believe more than those crooks at the dealership. The vehicle has 67,000 miles on it so according to the service manual the belts should be replaced. I still have 2 more years to pay on my loan for this thing. When I bought the K-- I knew there could be risks involved with a vehicle with an unproven track record in the market, however the price was right and I really liked the way it handled, the space, style, etc. Live and learn. I am planning to write K-- Corp. I am not sure at this point what I may or may not be entitled to. As I stated earlier I don't have anyway to verify all the early trips to the service department since it was handled so informally and I neglected to get paperwork. I have been told that manufacturers send product information reports to dealership service departments advising of any commonly reported problems. I am hoping to get all issued for the '97 Sport--- so I will find out if I can at least get reimbursed for my $400.00 tune up due to faulty parts. Also it'll be grounds for complaint against the dealership for charging me for something that should have been covered under a recall notice that they did not inform me of.
Well if you have read this far, thank you. I apologize for my long-windedness but finding your website has been so cathartic for me! Thank you!
I would like any updates you do to your site. I tried to request it on you homepage however an error message came back and my request was not processed.
Thanks again. Keep up the good work! Thank goodness for the internet. CCarlson (email:

My 1998 Kia Sephia has had to have all four tires replaced 6 months ago. It has had to have 4 battery replacements, two of them free to me, and two of them pro-rated. The brakes have been done 4 times, starting at 9000 miles the first time which included turning the rotors that time. The additional times involved the pads, and the last time involved replacing the pads and rotors. Kia paid for the parts, but not the labor. Of course the labor was 2 to 3 times the amount of the parts. NOT to mention the inconvenience of continually having to have it towed in, and left without a car for an entire day each time!!! I might add the only reason I got the parts re-imbursed was because I demanded re-imbursement of all expenses. Getting the $ for the parts is at least something, but considering I shouldn't have had these expenses to begin with makes it aggravating, to say the least. I HAVE OWNED MANY CARS, AND THIS ONE IS THE ONLY ONE I CAN SAY I HATE!!!

we have a 1999 kia sephia.......this car has been in the shop for many problems. we have contacted the attorney general, the newspapers and also are trying to find a lawyer. I will email you later this week and tell you everything. I have to go because my baby is crying. please let us know what is happening we would like to get in on this suit
email me at

My name is Patrick S. Cousins and I am a lemon law attorney in Florida. I have reviewed over 2500 cases over the past ten years. I have great success against Kia and will take a look at your case. Please email me at or review my web page at Thanks PSC

I too would like to be a part of any class action suit filed against this horrible car company! I own a 99 Sportage with only 10,000 miles on it and it is falling apart!
Please let me know how this works

From: shayma (
Hello Joe,
Carl here - We have begun to start a process that looks like it will be a little to get started but we plan on sticking in there. First off, we consulted with a lawyer about the problems we have had with our KIA (99 Gar-bage 4X4). Luckily we have had only about half of the time in the shop as the average owner and have had it in only 8 times in the last 17 months. He said that it sounded as if we had a good "Lemon Law" case though we would have to stop using the vehicle due to the higher mileage (43,000 miles). He said that they receive a lot of KIA Cases. He specializes in "Lemon Law" cases in Southern California.
As of our last E/mail to you we have sent E/mail to the investigative teams at ABC, NBC, CBS that take a look at crap like this. In addition we were advised by a legal associate to contact the firm that handled the 70's class action suit against Ford with the Pinto. They are based in Alabama but have not heard from them as of yet. The problem seems to be that most of the firms say that the information available on the internet is grounds for a suit but that they (The Firms) are not "big" enough for this type of venture. I think we may need to possiblely develop some sort of "internet Petition" going to ally the screwed customers that have purchased KIA's together. I know that if someone doesn't do anything that it will continue to be washed under the rug until their new 10 year / 100,000 Mile warranty wipes all the problems out of the new releases. We need to act quickly, or at least get the ball rolling before fall gets here. let us know what you think as you seem to be a little more "Net Savvy" then we are. Here is the number of the firm in Alabama, maybe you could post it on your website and get this firm slammed with calls. Maybe they'd take up the challenge! The Firm is Hare-Wynn-Newell & Newton (not sure on the spelling) Their #1-800-568-5330.........
Carl Arvilla

From: Evelyn Booker (
I have had my Kia Sephia for less than a year and a half and it is not starting.... The battery is smoking and now a days I am scared to drive it because I don't know if I would be able to get home. Also, it stutters when I start it and shakes like I am in a rocket (I mean come on). I am very displeased with my Kia.

From: Tanya Mitchell (
I am also having problems with my Kia sprotage. I purchased the car 8 months ago, a 1999 with 5000 miles on it. Well when I bought the car the check engine light was on, the mechanics assured me that this was okay and all I had to do was bring it back and they could "cut it off". Well 8 months, 2 dealerships and 5 rental cars later, the light is still on. I am so disgusted my car has cut off on the highway, the gas mileages sucks, and I am finished with the whole ordeal. i have been in contact with the Ga Consumer Affairs, and Kia headquarters. For what? I do not know I have been turned around in circles. I need my car. When I went back to the dealership last week the claimed the top Kia mechanic in the state fixed it. Well he didn;t do a could job because 3 minutes after getting my car back the light cam on again. Well 2 days later I am still in a rental car courtsey of the dealership. It is amazing what people will do when the discover you have contacted authorities. At any rate, I saw the salesman who sold me the car. While I was buying the car he was my best friend. When I asked him if he wanted his piece of trash back he said oh no that is your car. You can come back and trade it in in 18 months. I want a new car and I am fed up. I AM SICK OF KIA!
Thank you for this great service

i bought a 95 sephia new ,never any major probs .except for leaving wife stranded in the middle of no where ,however know several people who have had sportages and sephias both are junk .the dash on the 95 turned black and startred peeling lose. called kia,no help a/c line broke again not their fault .however ored new line and it took a year to get because they redesigned it cause it kept breaking ,tried to charge $190.00 for new line aftre telling me $75.00 for it .after a few strongly suggestive words got it for $ mother in law bought a sportage new in 95 also. it spent 6 months out of 8 in the shop. the dealership said there was nothing wrong couldnt smell the smoke, it caught fire on the way to work. she wouldnt call fire deptment till it was fully engulfed .kia gave her a 96 as a replacement it lasted about 6 months gone to junk yard now .ohh by the way i payed off mine last week i owed $2100. sold it the same day for $800. to get it gone .bought wife a real car . mine needed struts, cv joints, tires, dash ,all 4 door leaks fixed, front and back seats neede seams resewn ,brakes ,exhaust leak fixed .i think that was it but not sure hated that car worst mistake ever made .plus they have the worst sevice deptment i have ever seen .had 1 of their service people tell me he wouldnt drive a kia if it was the only car built would rather walk .i asked him why he didnt tell me that before i bought the damn thing.

me and my wife were looking at a kia sephia tonight. we decided to look it up in the computer and see what type of reviews it got. by the way things look we better look into another car. thanks for the warning.

I purchased a new Kia Sportage 7-26-99. Starting in Feb.2000 I began to have a problem with the engine bogging down. Losing power for several seconds while driving. The vehicle was 1st taken to the car dealership.3-7-00. They said it was repaired. It has since been in 3 times in June,once after my wife and kids were nearly braodsided when the vehicle lost power when pulling into traffic. Once in July-they had vehicle 3 weeks. And now in August after my wife was almost hit head on when the engine failed again. Actually the car is not in the shop because I will not any family members ride in it again since the owner of the dealership has admitted to me they have had excessive problems with Kia's. They cannot fix and understands I will not drive it again. But Kia, knowing they have this problem is forcing customers to get an attorney and according to dealership owner will drag this out for 4 months. DO NOT BUY THIS VEHICLE IT IS A DEATHTRAP. I have contacted 2 local Television investigative reports who I very interestedin story and State Attorney General. If you have similar problems I suggest you do the same. LJ Grand Rapids

We got our daughter a kia sephia for Christmas. It's being a nightmare. And the dealer don't want to here us anymore. I really don't what to do. I have call Kia service & I just email nhtsa. Hopefully someone listen. My God a company is taken America for ruff ride. Yes, my daughter is driving a bomb. It's very unsafe for any one to have a car in that condition and Yes it's only 8 months old.
Thanks EE

From: rfloyd (
My husband and I purchased a 1999 Kia Sportage 2 years ago and have had nothing but trouble out of it. All of our troubles was within 8 months, and less than 3100 miles.
1)moisture in headlight
2)pinched molding around door
3)oil cap blew off
4)check engine light comes on
5)glove box rattles
6)air conditioning not cooling
7)window rattles when rolled down
8)catalytic convertor broke
9)screws was missing in my headlight
10)blinker light fell out going down the road
11)gold edition letters are peeling off
I currently am in a law suit. I filed under the lemon law and was shut down immediately and told to take my vehicle back to the dealership. I was never offered arbitration. These problems have been fixed over and over again and they are still now right. Also, I had 2 major safety recalls. I live in Georgia and if anyone has bought a Kia from a dealership in Dalton, Ga please e-mail me.
Rebecca Floyd
e-mail address-

From: April Rappa (
Thank you for your web page I was seriously going to buy a Kia but I am glad I ran across your page I will not get one now. Good luck with your lawsuit and again thanks to everyone who wrote for the info. April

i have a 1997 kia sephia with brake /rotor and engine failure problems. I have been reading theweb sites and my car has all of the same problems everyone else has. I want to be rid of this thing, please tell me how to proceed.


I was seriously thinkng about purchasing a 2000 kia sportage 4x4, I stumbled across your website.I am a college student moving to maine and i wanted a reliable cheep for the snow. I thank you all for this I will never purchase a kia.

From: arthur montgomery (
My husband and I just purchased two 2000 Kia Spectra's (last Saturday) for commutting so that we could save gas and money after driving a Ford Expedition. After reading all the horror stories, I pray that we won't have the same problems. How long do you have before you can return a car? Is that possible. Please let us hear from you soon.
We should have known better, anything that cheap in price, is more than likely built to get you off the parking lot before you realize that you get what you pay for!!!!!!!
Art and Kim in California..............

From: David de la Cruz (
Hi, My name is dionel and I'm am pleased to find someone else out there doing something similar to what I am. I have had a web page entitled 'kia vehicle blues' for some time telling people of the problems i've had with my kia car. i was hoping maybe we could exchange links. the address is : i gave up on trying to get some results out of the dealership and even worse the car manufacturer. Take a look at the page if you like. Create a link to it if you'd like. I'd like to get permission to place a link on my page to yours, would that be okay with you. say, have you heard or know of any recalls on the 1995 kia sephia models. I understand they were doing some recalls on the 97 and 98 if i'm not mistaken. Kia victim

Ps, I love my little car, i just wish it didn't have so many bugs in it. And yes they are dangerous, stalling at times in the most difficult places. and thanks for having a site like yours out there for the public.
If my page alone alerts a car buyer from making the same mistake I've made, then I've done something about it.

I just wanted to thank you for your website. I just graduated from nursing school and have landed my first job. I was looking for a new car and considering the kia bfore I found your site. Thanks so much for saving me the headache and the money. Good luck to you and all the other unhappy owners out there. The emails are incredible.

i hear you this is the worst car i ever have driven. thank god it is only a lease. i am a home care nurse and travel all over the state of nj i have my car in the shop every 2 week and on average spend 500.00$ per month in repairs. i finally after 2 years decided to buy a toyota rav4 and let the kia sit in the driveway for the remainder of the lease. it is cheeper to pay the 249.00 a month on the lease and let the car sit in the driveway, then to continue to drive this piece of sh t. i thank god every day that at the end of this lease i can give it back.

From: Robbin Bevry (
Robbin from Nampa, Idaho
I was so glad to find this site. I have a 94 KIA Sephia, which I bought used in 98. I am muchly relieved and dismayed to see that others too, have had the same problems that I have. Here we go:
Replaced CV joints and axle
Dash is buckling
Trunk leaks
Engine light stays on
Engine chokes and dies--will start after about 3-5 minutes.
Driver door will not lock or unlock with key
Have had the fuel filter replaced. Intake boot replaced. Tune up. Cooling sensor replaced. Gas cap changed (you know, the vapor lock story). Now I'm told that the PCM needs to be replaced to cure the engine light choke and die thing, and you guessed it--$1400 just for the part.
But what I know now, that I didn't know before I found your site, is that I'm not the only one. I found every single problem that I have had in the letters from others. Not exactly encouraging, but at least I know I'm not the only one. And to replace, not repair, my vehicle.

From: Bill Muzzy (
It is so good to see this site. Unfortunately after I already bought one of these horrible cars. I bought a brand new Kia Sephia 2000. I owned it for 4 months and brought it to the service center 4 times. First the molding came away from my windsheild. Then the paint was coming off the hood. (Talk about weak door panels, all you have to do it lean on it and it dents!) Then the blinkers stopped working. Last, but most importantly. The second day I owned the car I noticed a loud bang coming from under the car. It would happen about twice a day. It was very loud and shook the whole car. It felt like someone was kicking the muffler with all of their might. I brought it back a few days after owning it, and of course they couldn't find the problem. I kept complaining about it, but was basically ignored. It didn't seem to be important. Then two months ago when driving home on the highway the car pulled sharply to the left. I thought it was just wind, then it did it again! I was so scared. Then the car was un-steerable. I smashed into a guard rail, spun across the highway and landed in a ditch. The car was totaled. The injuries have healed but my anger at this little car has not. How could they build such terrible cars and let them be put on the road! I want to be part of a class action suit. If anyone has information as to how to get on one, can you please tell me?! No one else should have to suffer this much aggrivation. My condolances to all who have purchased a Kia.

I want to be apart of any lawsuits against the Kia corporation that may evolve. I have a 2000 Kia Sephia and I am livid at the pure CRAP this car has given me. Only FOUR months old and 7000 miles, it has needed new brakes, three new CD players, new power windows, new door panels, new starter, and the AC isn't working right. I hate this car. I have looked into the lemon laws in my state and I am confident that the car will qualify as a lemon very soon. BUT, I do NOT want a new Kia, which is what my lawyer has told me will happen. I WANT MY MONEY BACK! Did I mention I HATE my Kia?!
Yet another not-so-proud owner of a Kia,
Carrie Conway

I read your letter this evening, I can relate, Our Sportage has been in the service repair shop 13 times and towed 3. Service says something different every time, we have brought it in for check engine lite, paint falling off, idle s to high, battery dead, and to many others. I can't believe no one at 1800 kia, has had a customer service Rep. contact me regarding my KIA. Please keep my address and update me with any info. I am interested in the class action lawsuit, I have all my papers re: service work, tows, My car has been in service now for over 1 week, and I am lucky that I have a 2nd because KIA does not cover rental (!#$%*)
Keep in touch
Penny & Mark

From: Chris Keith (
I just recently bought a Kia and it has been a terrible experience i bought a 2000 kia and I had to put it in the shop yesterday after six month's. The engine light is on, the brakes and rotors are gone, the radio doesn't work and it shut's off on hill's sometimes. The dealer will not even give me loaner to ride around in. Iam paying for a brand new car and I have to pay for a rental in addition to the note! If you are filing a class action suite please contact me i will be more than happy to provide with any information you may need.
Christopher Keith

I want to thank you for the website. You may have saved us thousands of dollars. I had heard from a few people not to buy a Kia. The reasonable cost and the pretty, shiny paint still enticed me. I decided to look on the internet for reviews. I was to the point of giving up when I found your website. All I was previously finding was ways to buy a Kia and how wonderful they were. Thank-you

I bought a KIA Sportage EX model in August of 1998 and the date of this e-mail marks its 2 year anniversary as the WORST purchase I have ever made. How do I hate thee KIA, let me count the ways.........
Problems, year 1
1. Front Axle replaced due to rust
2. Drive Shaft replaced
3. Transfer case for the 4-wheel drive. (I HAVE to quote the tech on this one..."You shouldn't go off roading with your car sir.") Oh, well, excuse me, its a 4 wheel drive TRUCK!!! DUH!!!
Side Note: My brother and his wife and son live off road in Vt. I went to visit him last July and the car wasn't yet a year old. The back roads I had to use were all compacted clay and this KIA SUV is so badly made, the clay dust screwed up the transfer case.

Now, Aug. 28, 2000 the KIA has failed inspection due to loose front bearings and a malfunctioning manual transmission (I hear a loud metallic CLANG whenever I switch gears).
All of the above repairs were covered under warranty and I bought the extended power train warranty that I hope will cover the repairs on Monday. I'll let you know the outcome of THAT on Tuesday.
Also, my paint is peeling, my electric windows have gone out and the check engine light has been on for a YEAR. I have taken it to be fixed TWICE and they keep telling me its a sensor on the gas cap.
PS These cars are garbage, plain and simple. Is there SOME way people across the country can pool their collective resources and ATTACK this company legally?
I myself would be more than willing to add funds to such a collective campaign. We should DO this! What this company has put out is a sub-standard product plain and simple.
Also, the Lemon Law in my state only applies to the same repair on the same part 3 times and it has to me a MAJOR repair. Otherwise, I haven't a leg to stand on.
Chris German
Philadelphia, PA.

From: Belinda Slechta (
My sister just bought a 2001 RIO. She has owned the car 2 weeks and has only driven it 3 days. It is currently in the shop now. The OD and check engine light came on the 2nd day. She took it in and got a sensor replaced. Picked up the car drove it about 100 miles and the lights came on again. Now she has been told it is a software problem that the programmers are working on. They can not tell her how long it will take to fix. She asked if she could get another RIO, but the dealer told her that was not possible because ALL of the RIO'S have this problem. She asked them if they pulled them off of the lot because of this. He said KIA did not tell them to. She has a 1998 Sephia. My husband replaced the brakes for her at 8000 miles, with parts he bought at a parts store. She took it in for the 2 recalls that she received, otherwise she had real good luck with it. She has called the BBB about this problem. KIA is paying for her to drive a rental car until this is fixed. Kia said after 30 days they will either let her get a Sephia or but it back. The dealership says it is out of their hands and she will have to deal with KIA. The BBB told her to drive the rental for the 30 days. If the car is not fixed or they do not give her downpayment back to contact them and they will help her. We are going to pick up the rental car tomorrow. How can a dealership sell these cars and then pretend that the problems are not their problems? She is a single person and does not make alot of money and cannot afford to pay money for a car she cannot and is afraid to drive.
Thanks for listening

I have been planning on purchasing my first new car after I received my college degree in a year. I am a single mother of two and had my sights set on a Kia Sportage. Thank God for your web site. I had my reservations about Kia to begin with so I wanted to investigate further. After the incredible amount of letters on your site I have changed my mind and will not even go near a Kia. I hope you succeed with your suit.

We bought a 1998 Sephia in June of 1998 - had to have the brakes and rotors replaced either 5 or 6 times in the 1 1/2yrs we owned the car, the rubber molding around the doors replaced twice. Went thru the windshield wiper recall, got the next recall (fuel pump I think), just as we went to trade it in, the emission light came on and stayed on. The dealer we were trading it into also sold Kias and couldn't wait to get it as a trade. Traded it in for a Windstar with full book value as trade in (had 30k on it)- got rid of it just in time. Paid $10,200 for the Kia, got $5800 as a trade in 1 1/2 yrs later - glad it was all paid for by that time.
I tried notifying Kia several times, all to no avail - even faxed a letter to the president in Korea but nobody wants to respond to you - pretty insulated company.
I have run into people with Sephias who have had the same problems and often wondered if a class action suit could be filed.
Good luck, should of looked at dumping it when the brakes went the 3rd time.

Hello my name is Johnathan Slater, I am the unfortunate owner of a 1998 Kia Sportage, well I can't say that I've had as many problems as you have had, I can at least say that I've had my share. Brakes wore out at about 20,000 miles and the rotors which they tried to charge 450 dollars to repair since they aren't part of the warranty. Back spare tire has dropped some so it has to be lifted up in order to close it. Battery has went dead on me, and I have the problem with it not starting unless the shifter is in a certain spot. My problem right now is that the car will hardly even go, it almost dies when at a stop light, I took it to the dealer and yes the problem is not covered anymore since I am over my warranty by 1,000 miles, they say it is a ground wire that's bad and they want to charge me 260 dollars to repair. My rims are corroded, back cargo light will not come on anymore, that's considered not covered either, so much for the bumper to bumper warranty, "Doesn't everyone deserve a well made car" , yeah right, well I would like some info. on what I can do about these problems, I no longer live in the city where I bought the car, so any help would be appreciated, thank you.. Johnathan

I am really sorry to hear all this bad news about the kia. i know what you guys mean!! i got a kia rent a car once and the speedometer was WAY WAY off!! it was ridiculous i knew we where driving at 60 and the speedometer said 45. utter trash this car is. i would never buy it. just tell all your readers to never buy korean but buy the toyota corollas & camrys and then we will all have happy lives .CIAO friend. my e-mail is if ya wanna write me a private message back pal. thanks! so long fellow kia sufferer.

I am so glad that I found your website about kias, because I was looking to buy a kia.After reading your website, I have changed my mind. Thanks for having a website for kia complaints.powerball007@aol

Unfortunatelly, I have a 1998 Kia Sephia. I purchased this car (if you want to call it a "car") brand new. Approximately 2 months after having this "thing", the car started to give me problems with the brakes. I took it to the dealer and apparently they did something about it. Since then, I have had many problems with this piece of garbage. I have complaint many times to my dealer. The dealer where I had purchased the car also has the worse customer service. One time when my engine completely stopped and the car was taken directly to the dealer, no one was able to assist me with what I was requesting at that moment. I had to call the next day to find out what was going on with my car and I had to find a car to go to work the next day. They were not helpful at all. Now, I regret buying this car that is worth nothing. I honestly think that the purchase of this car has been the worse mistake of my life. I do not recommend any KIA car!! The only reason I purchased this vehicle was because I did not have alot of money. I wanted a unexpensive car to at least take me to my job and to school. "I HATE THIS CAR"

From: nickden (
Thank you so much for your web site. I was seriously considering a KIA due to the 10 year 100,000 mile warrenty, but after visiting your site I will never buy a KIA. Just bought a Saturn SC1 and love it. I was looking for a second car and KIA was very cheap but your site and have convinced me otherwise. Thank you. Isn't the internet great!

From: Cindy Andryshak (
I am with you all the way. I will help with a suit in any way I can. Cindy Andryshak

From: "Escobar, Rick" (
Well we have been having problems with our KIA-What a crappy vehicle. Well here is my story. in the last five years, he have had to replace the battery 6 times, tires 3 times, brakes 5 times. the passenger side sun visor 3 times- thank god it was all under warranty. Now the radio quit working the A/C works when it wants to and when we step on the brake or turn on the A/C all the gages go crazy. no one know whats the matter with it, but the dealer sure likes taking our money. the Kia placecard have fallen off. some time back all the running light quit working, so we take it to the dealer and of course they did not have the parts, we had to wait 3 days. everytime we need brakes, we have to order them because no one in town carry them, same with the battery. Last mont while the car is parked in the garage, the front window just craked. my wife and i was standing there and watched it., well if you come up with something, please let me know
Rick Escobar

Hello there. I was surfing the web when I somehow found this site. I too own a Kia Sephia and what caught my attention was you mentioned problems with your idle. For some time now my idle has been acting it. The car will even die sometimes when I am in fifth gear going down the freeway. Anyway, the mechanic can't seem to fix it and I was wondering if you had gotten yours fixed, and if you could offer some advice. Thank you.

My name is Missi Luh my mom had wrote to you about my wonderful piece of shit Kia. I have gone thru lemon law with it and won but not three months later still haven't seen a penny. Shiela the rep. from Kia has lied to me numerous times and I don't care if this affects the decsion. SO sign me up to help in anyway just tell me what to do I have contacted my local news station.

From: Carmina Castro (
Please let me know if you decide to go on with the class action against KIA, I have had basically the same horror stories with them.

I purchased a 1998 Kia Sephia LS in November of 1998..This car was towed in for NO START a total of 5 times so far.....The brakes and rotors were replaced at 4500 miles..The alternator was replaced,open circuit on fuel pump harness; fuel pump replaced; problems with air conditioner; molding around doors came off; fuel circuit recall and wiper recall performed; fuse box shorted out and needed to be replaced and finally fuel pump assembly,fuel gauge,assembly junction block, fuel tank replaced,filler pump assembly and pressure regulator....At least this was all done in the warranty period...I contacted the BBB and finally had the response I wanted...The car was traded in for a fair buyback and KIA also sent me a check for my troubles...I cannot stress hard enough about the dangers associated with this car.......DO NOT BUY A KIA......

I checked your site today because a new lemon-law-client just left my office and I was looking for the address of KIA consumer affairs. I would be interested in a class action. Call me to discuss.
Charles J. Cunningham, Esq.

I'm so thankful to have stumbled across your site, I too was interested in the Kia Sportage but after reading these horror stories I wouldn't dream of owning one!!!! I'll be sure to tell everyone I know about these LEMONS!!!!! Thanks again!

I myself have had problems with my Kia Sephia many times to the dealer the last time really got to me the car had a recalll took back to the dealer that we purchased it at keeped the car for 5 days the first 2 days they wouldnt give a loaner put me a disadvantage finally on monday gave me a loaner the reason they couldnt figure out what the problem was ther check engine light wouldnt go out the dealer didnt know how to fix it had to fly a specialist in to fix the problem they forgot to hook up the wire and now i am having trouble with the transmission going into reverse no telling how long that will take them to fix this problem might be days or weeks because they have so many needing repairsthere garage is full yes i would like to participate in the lawsuit Thank you

I almost bought a new Sportage. Luckily, I escaped the high pressure salesman with the promise of returning tomorrow, and signing the papers after researching the car a bit more. Your site and it's many links have saved me the grief of paying 18K for a piece of crap car.........wish you had had a site up on Geo Storms when I bought one 8 years ago

Hi I recently brought a kia 2000, in August 1999. I had taken my car three times for my brakes, now this week I am leaking water inside the car when the air condition is on. When I apply my brakes the car jumps. Let me know Thanks

I purchased a KIA Sportage in July of 98, about 3 weeks later the car had to be towed to Loman Ford of Woodbridge for a stalled engine. They claimed it was a problem with the starter kit. In November of 98 the car did not start again, it was brought back to Lomans and they claimed there was a loose wire in the starter kit. In May of 2000 the car would not start and it was then towed to Manfredi KIA of Staten Island. They claimed there was a loose wire in the engine. On 9/5/00 I was driving on the Cross Bronx expressway and my car just stopped running in the middle of the highway. Only by the grace of God, Im I able to write to complain. I no longer feel safe in this vehicle and I do not wish to take another chance with this happening again in a situation like this. I feel that I will not be as lucky next time. I refuse to put my life in the hands of the KIA Sportage that I own today. I was also informed by the service center in Staten Island, Atilio, that the 98 KIA has this problem often. I was also, informed the first time my car was towed that this particular model has this problem. I have already filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, NBC and Consumer Affairs. I want results!
Angela Martinez
Dissatisfied Customer

Hope at the end of the road. I signed your guest book but I think that was the wrong place for my opinion. could you place it in the right place. I want people to see that they do have action through Better Business B. I'm # 84 on your guest list. BBB says mines a Lemon. Kia Has been told to buy ours back. we're waiting for kia to contact us to do the transaction. I have a 98' kia sephia. What A PIECE OF SH..

To start with it was great ... to start with. Then it started showing the engine light, then the OD off light starting flashing. They said it was only Mass air flow malfunction ... this went on four more times. But only today 9/6/2000... someone finally said there was probably a greater problem. Torque Converter ... oh lovely I said ... it just went over 40,000 miles ... and it's only been showing since18,000 miles ... and no one told me it was going bad, or was even slipping. Go Figure. Personally I think the Better Business Bureau needs to do some checking on KIA. Maybe they will find it is really a reconditioned Datsun firm. Hell even my 1978 Datsun 810 works better then this KIA Sephia. It just sucks on both your wallet and your patience. Never again KIA.
Kenneth Bailey
Beckley, WV

From: Mike Choi (
my parents have a 97 kia sephia too and it's a bad, unreliable car... i read your epinion which linked to your website...
you can read my epinion of the 97 kia sephia here:
i'll follow the links on your page later on when i have time. thanks!

From: Liz Choi (
we bought a kia in 98 (a 97 sephia) and although we haven't encountered as many problems as you... the dealer sold us a used car in diguise of a new one. there was already 300 miles on it. we shoulda sued their ass but didn't. anyway, the brake keeps screeching and how can a car not come with a freakin' clock???? anyway, the car sucks like hell. i keep telling my mom that she coulda bought something much better by paying just a little bit more.
anyhow...sorry to hear about all your troubles. i drive a hyundai tiburon now and it's sooo much better than the kia...and only a few thousand dollars more, which is all worth it!!!

I bought a 97 Sephia Kia, since I bought it I've had to replace a starter, catalaconverter, the sensor, new tires, brakes and now there is something wrong with the clutch. I do not recommend anyone to buy a Kia. There are no dealers that I have taking this car to that even knows how to work on them. I took my car to a dealer in Bessmer, Alabama and they had to use there books to work on my car. I was a witness, I watched them pull out there books and try to figure out what to do. I have four more years to pay on this car. If there is a law suit, I would like to be notified. I have had nothing but problems with this car and I will never buy another Kia vehicle. Also, in order to have my car serviced, I have to drive 100 miles to the nearest dealer.
Sandra M. Weis

My name is Rebecca Allen and all I can say is THANK YOU for the tibid!!!! I am totally dedicated to certain foreign cars-Toyota, BMW, Nissan-, and THANK GOD i stayed with MITSUBISHI! At one time i considered trading my '92 eclipse turbo in because i wanted an inexpensive suv type vehicle, and saw how "neat' the Kia sportage was, after reading the 'mail' i am grateful to you for re-enforcing what i already knew-stick with what i have because it is the best car i have ever had!! This is definitely the way to get a true consumer report! Best of Luck in you actions.

I just bought a 2001 kia Rio and the clutch went in ten days.

I bought my k-- seph-- LS in 1995. within a year it had the alternator , battery, and dash lights replaced. after two years it needed the oxygen sensor replaced and again the battery. i have not spent much money because most of my repairs were covered under warranty, and i do the rest. the problems that i am having now are the engine stalls, dash lights are failing, and the engine makes a vibration noise at about 2000 rpm's. i can't figure out if it is the the engine itself or the transmission. of course the shop says nothing is wrong with it. they told me it might be the oxygen sensor again, so i had it replaced and within a week the problem came back. as far as the stalling goes, they say that there is nothing wrong. i must also agree that those kia sales and service people suck. can you believe they even backed up a jeep into my car when they had it in the shop. they just said sorry and that they would fix it. there i was again without a car for a week. when i got it back, the passenger side fender was dented, and they blamed it on me. i had to talk to the manager to get little action. i have been lucky compared to most people with k--'s. i have spoke with many of their mechanics on the side, and they tell me that k-- makes a poor vehicle. i was informed that their main problems are wiring harness, oxygen sensor, transmission, and accessories. finally i was told that the best k-- was put out in 1995. i wont even get into how hard it is to find manuals and repair parts for this vehicle. i am going to get rid of this vehicle asap and buy only american from now on.
thank you and good luck,

Even more emails - page 5

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