Angelic Affections: Things The GW characters would never say
Things the GW Characters Would Never Say
No humor section would be complete without this. So please enjoy it. Of course most of these are pretty lame.
1. Mission Not Accepted.
2. Pikachu I choose You!!
3. Is this green really my color?
4. Hey Relena could you pick me up the new N*Sync CD?
5. Can we do this some other times, I am going to miss my soaps.
1. Lets cut my braid off.
2. I have just been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
3. I hate you Deathscythe
4. It is Megazord Time!!
5. I am no longer the God of Death, but rather the God of Pop Music.
1. Women are so strong.
2. I love a good sob story.
3. Justice? Who cares about Justice
4. Do you think I used to much grease in my hair?
If you have any others, for these characters or the others please send them to me at