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The Brown Race Group
![]() Patroness of the Brown Race Group - Our Lady of the Brown Race
Our Lady formed the Brown Race Group in 1994. The group's focus is to
assist in the apparition site and pray for Jesus and Mary's intentions via
the Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evening vigils.
The vigils begin at 9:00 P.M. and end at 3:00 A.M. Our Lady appears to
Allan and gives a Private Message which he writes down. It is then read to
the group and then archived
In between prayers, the members spend the time by making Rosaries and
Scapulars among others. When Colonel Buen is present, he reads and expounds
on the life of Our Lord as revealed to Maria Valtorta in her writings, 'The
Poem of the Man God.'
Election to the group is through the invitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Usually, a person attends for some time before the Blessed Mother invites
Our Lady has formed the Brown Race Group specifically to assist in the
apparition site and to assist in the apostolate. Each member has their own
task. Wen Quiroc is assigned as video camera person during the Public
Apparitions. If unavailable, Bokg Ko fills in. Nanay Taba is assigned
prayer Leader during the Public Apparitions, Private Messages and Vigils.
Connie Telan is assigned to database the Public Messages. Annie Fielding
helps Allan Rudio during the Public Apparitions. Lando is the speaker and
expounds on the Public Messages. Rudy Blesar is assigned to keeping order.
Ronie Guerrero is assigned to the candles. Lando is assigned to the
incense. Others help out as ushers and usherettes. Many more tasks are
involved for other members.
How can someone make it to the ERA of PEACE?
By practicing Faith, Hope and Charity.
![]() VIRTUE OF FAITH Faith in God, in Jesus Christ and benefits of His Crucifixion, with continuity, intensity and itelligence. Vice
See faith with earthly eyes only.
Despair from lack of faith.
Charity to God and neighbor. Vice
Not showing or sharing the love of neighbor for the love of God.
Wise use of memory, reason and intelligence to plan one's life to please
God and act in virtue. Vice
Using passions which snare and confound reason.
Use perfect equity to God and neighbour. Vice
Forgetting veneration, adoration and reverence dut to God.
Moderating personal activity of a person's choleric (disordant) affections
and thus overcoming obstacles in getting rid of vices. Vice
Irascibility/Irascible passions.
Regualting all natural appetites. Vice
Passions rise up and rebel.
VIRTUE OF HOLLINESSE Imitating the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY is the greatest way to practice the VIRTUE OF HOLLINESSE:
1. Gifting ourselves to God. (Resign yourself to God) Equipped with your '7 valve engine', you now need gas. The virtues are fueled by your prayer life. The better the quality of gas, the longer the engine will ast. Prayer has its levels. They are as follows: Level 1 Vocal Prayer Level 2 Meditation: Subjects can be virtue, lives of Jesus, Mary and the Saints, a truth or dogma of the Church, an attribute of God, the Mass and sacraments, amont others) Level 3 Affective Prayer: it is a simplified meditation in which love predominates. Level 4 Prayer of Simplicity: It is a simple loving gaze upon some divine object, God or His perfections. It is a form of ascetical prayer but very simplified. Level 5 Infused Contemplation: An infused knowledge of God. Invasion of the soul by the supernatural. Cannot be produced alone. More passive than active. The soul knows it is under the direction of God. Level 6 Prayer of Quiet: A type of mystical prayer in which the intimate awareness of God's presence. Done in silence and repose, yet the faculties are free to be occupied in work. NEVER FORCE this prayer, let the spirit move you, maintain quietness of soul. Level 7 Prayer of Union: ALL the interior faculties including memory and imagination are held by God. Level 8 Prayer of Conforming Union: In this is rapture and ecstasy experiences. it is a spiritual betrothal with God. Level 9 Prayer of transforming union: There is a total transformation of the soul into the Beloved, mutual surrender and permanent union of love. By practice all of this in your life. It is not easy but you can begin slowly but surely. Also, it is important to mention that if someone wants to enter the Reign of Peace, they must also ask, knock and seek. PRAYER TO ENTER THE ERA OF PEACE by Glenn and Helene inspired from the messages
Dear Lord Jesus Christ. Dear Mary, my Mother.
I knock, I seek, I ask that you consider my entrance into the Reign of Peace.
Help me to grow in Your ways. |