Your Webmasters

We would like to thank you for visiting our website.

Please send us any comments you may have or suggestions just via email.
This web site was possible with your Webmasters:

Glenn as the content editor and
Helene as the designer and your help for websites

Hi! I am Helene

I am dedicated to Mary and Jesus and my role is to make websites for those having apparitions and are requested from Jesus or Mary to have them published.

The internet is great to reach the whole world so I am here to help you do that.

I am taking care of 3 apparition sites at the moment:

This One and Our Lady of marmora in Ontario, Canada,
and Our Lady of Good Salvation, in the Philippines.

So you are welcome to request my help if you need Our Lady or Our Lord's message to be spread.

Just email me ok!

God Bless you

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