Happy 4th Birthday, Emily! 


Emily is now 4 years old. It's hard to believe. She's still such a tiny, little peanut. At her annual check-up, she weighed in at 28 pounds, and measured a mere 3'1" tall. This year, Emily chose pink as the theme for her birthday party, so we had some fun with that. Heidi created a pig cake, we had a pink pinata, and pink lemonade to drink.

See for yourself ... 

The Spread

Pink lemonade, pink frosted cake, pink sugar wafers, pink party favors, and pink strawberry ice cream.



Here's the infamous pig cake which took hours of planning and construction. Well, not really ...



Party Guests 

Here are the kids who came to Emily's party. From left to right, Samantha Miller, Evie Miller, Emily, Sean McLoone, and Victoria Shuster. Matthew and Joe, of course, in the back.


Follow the Leader 

Joe kept the kids occupied for a little while with some games of Follow the Leader and Simon Says.

Ready to Go! 

Joe gets the pinata ready for action. 


Emily's Turn! 


Sean's and Evie's Turns 


Victoria's and David's Turns



Matthew's Turn!

He kind of poked at it, rather than really swinging.


Joe Did It!

Finally we gave turns to the adults. Joe finally broke the thing and sent it and the candy flying.


Time for Presents! 

I have to say, Emily opened her presents nicely and took the time to thank everyone in turn.


Summer Clothes

Believe it or not, Emily even got reasonably excited about unwrapping clothes.



Best Present of All

Why is it kids always like the wrapping better than the presents?





We'd love to hear from you at alleghator@yahoo.com.

Note: all graphics on these pages were created by Graphic Garden.