Happy Fall 2002! 


Our family is really a family now and that's why I'm integrating the web site to handle all our current pictures on one page.

Matthew's 17 months old, Emily is over 3-1/2. They're old enough to play together and Emily does her best to translate Matthew's babbling into words. She calls him "Mackie" and refers to herself as "Sissy" when she's talking to him. They wrestle and put Legos together and she helps him out with things he can't quite do, yet. Of course, all this togetherness leads to the usual bickering. He grabs a toy, she knocks him down, etc. But through it all, it's obvious how much they really do love each other.

This fall season has been a busy one for us. We visited Gramma Jamma and Grampo Schierer in late August before Joe's fall semester started. Heidi went back to work three days a week at a local advertising agency after Labor Day. So, Emily is now in preschool those three days, and Matthew goes to an excellent baby sitter. Heidi also picked up some scrapbooking classes a couple of nights a month at the new local Michael's store.

We visited a pumpkin farm, and Emily and I went to another one with her preschool class. The kids trick-or-treated. Emily wore a cheerleader costume that Gramma Jamma made. And Matthew wore the dalmatian costume for its third (!!!) Halloween.

Anyway, enough jabbering ... on to the pictures.

Alice in Gramma Land 

Heidi's Mom, Sue Schierer (aka "Gramma Jamma") made this gorgeous dress and pinafore for Emily.

First Prize

Emily (in her Camp Gramma Jamma shirt) poses by the largest pumpkin at the Crawford County, PA Fair.

Sweets for Our Sweetie

Grampo Schierer gives Matthew his first taste of cotton candy. This was at an Erie, PA SeaWolves baseball game 

Sunny Day

Matthew enjoys a nice sunny spot at home. 


Who could resist snapping a few bathtime pictures? 


Happy 4th Birthday, Miranda!

Emily decorated Miranda's present, herself. Colorful, eh?


These next few pictures were taken at the gigantic and wonderful Manderach Playground in Limerick, PA, near Joe's mom's house. 

Nice Hog!

I don't think he's ready for the real thing just yet, but Matthew sure does enjoy anything he can ride on.


Silly Swinger

This rope jungle gym and swing were a big hit with Emily.

All Smiles

But just wait, I'm sure they're about to bop each other or start rough-housing any minute.

Pretty Pose

Candid shots are fun, but every now and then it's nice to get a posed shot ... when she's in the mood!

Giggle Pusses

Joe had them laughing so hard, it was all I could do to snap a few pictures before they both tumbled off the couch.

Kisses for Sissy

Emily said, "Mackie, give Sissy kisses." And, what do you know ... I just happened to catch it when he obliged.

This One, Mom!

Emily picked out all our Halloween pumpkins this year. Luckily, this one bounced when she dropped it on the way to the wagon!

Helping Hands

Emily picked out an Emily-sized pumpkin and a Matthew-sized pumpkin for him to carry.

This Way, Guys! 

Emily leads the way through the Corn Maze.

Sunshine Girl

Caught her in a rare still moment during her class field trip to the Pumpkin Farm.

The Gang's All Here

This is Emily's whole class, one Mom (in the middle), and her two teachers.

Too Cool! 

Emily and one of her best preschool buddies, "Bonnie Bear."


Emily and Matthew are all set for trick-or-treating.

Little Awkward

The hood of this costume just never quite fit right, but Matthew was a real trooper though it all.

Littlest Eagle 

Believe it or not, Emily even knows the entire Eagles fight song!

Here You Go

Her favorite part of trick-or-treating was handing out candy to the bigger kids in the neighborhood.

Little Sleepy 

You have to just love the "footie pajama" years.

Singing Hat 

Apologies to Grouch Marx and to Scots everywhere. This is one of Emily's favorite dress-up outfits.


We'd love to hear from you at alleghator@yahoo.com.

Note: all graphics on these pages were created by Graphic Garden.