Cutting Loose
Here we
are, slipping free from land.

Bye, Miami!
I took this skyline picture as we
sailed out through the channel.

Music Everywhere
Whether you wanted to hear a classical
trio, cocktail piano or calypso, Carnival had it covered. You
could find live music somewhere
on the ship just about any time
of the day or night.

Superb Service
Our waiter, Carmelo, and headwaiter,
Alex, are both from the Phillippines and are eagerly awaiting
their upcoming vacations. There's also a
shot here of the waiters all singing
night. I think this was the night
they all sang in Italian.

Cabin U150
Not much to look at from this picture,
but this was our home for the week.
We had an interior cabin, so there's no window
behind that curtain.
We had more than enough storage space
and generally slept like babies.

"Karl with a K"
Our social host, Karl (with a K) hails
from Nottingham, England. I spent some time talking with him
one day and he remembered my name whenever he saw me
thereafter. He was
a ton of fun
... a really great guy.

Big Shots
Above is a picture of the ship's
officers, taken at the Captain's Cocktail party on our first
formal night. The lower picture (taken on the second formal
night) is of me with
Troy Linton, our Cruise Director,
and Jim Brick, one of the comedians
who performed during the week.

Fun and Games
There are a lot of activities onboard for
young and old. The counselors of Camp Carnival keep the
kiddies busy all throughout the day. And, Karl and Erin (the
social hosts) host a ton of activities all over the ship on
Sea Days. Here, I've won a "100% genuine metal" medallion for
playing on the
winning team of "Sea Feud."

Carnival Quest
This game was held near the end of the
week and was SO much fun to watch and participate in. Sad to
say we didn't win. Our team came in second place by only 4
I won't ruin the surprise by telling
the jist of the game.

Stormy Seas
We hardly felt the ship move most of the
time. But, here a couple of hours our of Miami, there was a
bit of rough weather. We didn't get the camera from the cabin
fast enough to get
a picture of it, but
just moments before this was taken, there
was an enormous waterspout here.

Social Hosts
Karl and Erin were our social hosts for
the cruise. They were everything you could want in this
position -- fun, energetic, and great with people. When Erin
found out where Joe hails from, she remembered him
the rest
of the cruise (they grew up only
a town or two apart).

Cold Art
We saw this ice sculpting demonstration
while taking the galley tour.

Before and After
Joe, chilling out with a book
on the Lido Deck, and all
dolled up for formal night.

Our Table-mates
Sharing our table were two other couples.
Sarah and Eric were celebrating their honeymoon. Eric's
brother, Wally, and his wife Stacy were celebrating their
10th anniversary. They were a lot of
to talk to and we ran into
them all over the ship.
Gotta Have a
I never
caught the name of this Carnival funnel-shaped
mascot. |
Our cruise included over 300 swing
dancers. They were part of the Frankie
Hops group. It was great to see them swing-dancing all
over the ship at various dancing events. They performed for us in
the dining room on the final formal night.

Limbo Lower!
Our table-mate, Stacy,
won the limbo contest as
part of the Survivor challenges.

Conked Out!
This isn't an onboard picture. This is
Joe crashed out on the couch of our hotel
room in Miami a few ours
after we disembarked the ship.