*~*aLiFeR's SiTe*~*

*Whass Neww!*
*Me Talkin*
*Contact Me!*
*Pix 4*
*Pix of Hotties*
*Fun Pix*
*iNSIDe jOKEz*
*Song Lyrics*

Here's more about me!!....

This is me when I was just a tot! lol i look weird...

Hey, I'm Allie... (or known as alifer by some people!).. and i'm ME!!

HeHe, I love this turtle!!


Favorite Stuff

Here's some of my fav things

Favorite TV Show: Friends, Gilmore Girls, and Jamie Kennedy!
Favorite Movie: Remember the Titans and The Replacements!
Favorite Music: Punk Rock, Hip Hop, Dancehall
Favorite Book: dont have one
Favorite Sports Team: BC Lions!! (football at da way! ya! lol)
Favorite Food: dont have one
People I Most Admire: of course, my friends and family!!

Favorite Quotes

These are some of my fav sayings/quotes/things ive read!!:

~Fermez le ciffon d'ane !!!  (haha i love it!!)
~ What are yooouuu doing in Canada?? (that 70s show)
~ Cry your heart out, let it all go. Cuz remember, after every tear, comes a rainbow!
~ To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. (-david viscott)
~ There is no remedy for love but to love more. (-Henry Davis Thoreau)
~ The only cure for grief is action. (-George Henry Lewes)
~Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.
~ Love is, above all, the gift of oneself. (-Jean Anouilh)
~Part of being sane, is being a little bit crazy. (-Janet Long)

What makes me =): my friends, my family, my mika baby, nice lookin people! (haha), the colour blue, and music
What makes me =(: e fact that i dont have my mika
baby anymore, sad music, thinking of speckles, canker
sores, headaches, boredness, being ditched, crying,
happy people when im angry, and bad hair days.