Boynton Robinson in Lombardy, Italy]

Amelia Boynton Robinson Is Awarded Medal by Lombardy Regional President in Italy, September, 2002

Amelia Boynton Robinson, heroine of the American civil rights movement and now a leader in Lyndon and Helga LaRouche's Schiller Institute, receives the official medal of Italy's Lombardy Region from Lombardy President Roberto Formigoni, in recognition of her work for civil rights and peace. During the meeting in Formigoni's office in Milan's Pirellone skyscraper, Formigoni, who in the past has endorsed Lyndon LaRouche's proposal for a New Bretton Woods, clearly stated his opposition to a war against Iraq.

See Also: July 26, 2002 issue of Executive Intelligence Review: Italian Senators Again Call for New Bretton Woods System

September Resolution Passes in Italy for a New International Financial Architecture -- Laurie Dobson Statement

Boynton Robinson and Muriel Mirak-Weissbach in Iran, the Dialogue
of Civilizations, 2002]

Amelia Boynton Robinson and Muriel Mirak-Weissbach in Iran, the Dialogue of Civilizations, 2002

July 1, 2002 Mrs. AMELIA BOYNTON ROBINSON and Mrs. MURIEL MIRAK-WEISSBACH visited Teheran and Isfashan during June 20 to June 26, 2002, as part of the Schiller Institute's international mobilization for a Dialogue of Cultures, as the alternative to war and the Clash of Civilizations policies. They were the guests on a a popular Iranian Talk Show on English- language Iranian national TV (Channel 4), on June 22, 2002.

Amelia Boynton Robinson is currently Vice President of the international Schiller Institute. Mrs. Weissbach represents the EIR Bureau in Europe, and has written extensively on Middle East policies. She is also a scholar who has published material on poetry, lanugage, the Arab and Italian Reniassiances, Dante, Shakespeare, Ramon Lull, and many other topics.

See Also: Amelia Boynton Boynton Robinson Interviewed in Iran on the Dialogue of Civilizations

Boynton Robinson and Lyndon LaRouche, 2002]Amelia Boynton Robinson Introduces Lyndon LaRouche at the Labor Day Schiller Institute Conference, 2002

The Schiller Institute Pays Tribute To Amelia Boynton Robinson on Her 90th Birthday, 2001

Amelia Boynton Robinson Introduces Lyndon LaRouche at the 2002 Schiller Institute Conference

Amelia Boynton Robinson Introduces Helga Zepp LaRouche At the Schiller Institute 2002 Conference

Boynton Meets Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1965]Amelia Boynton Meeting with Lyndon Baines Johnson at the White House, 1965 -- Winning the Right to Vote

Selma, Alabama Celebrates "Boynton Weekend" Civil Rights Heroes Honored in Long Overdue Ceremony -- August 17-18, 2002