AMU Alumni Association of Northern California

Mushaira 2004 - Press Release

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Press Release

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

For Immediate Release



Tel: (650) 212-2544


AMU Alumni to mark Founder’s Day on September 18th in Bay Area

Foster City, CA, September 2, 2004 — The Alumni of the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), one of the oldest and famous seats of learning in Asia, will celebrate Founder’s Day on September 18, which is the 187th birth anniversary of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was born on October 17, 1817. Sir Syed, the famous 19th century scholar, social reformer and historian, spent most of his time on promotion of social, economic and educational conditions of Indian Muslims.

His untiring and painstaking efforts over a long period of times bore fruit when he was able to establish Mohammedan Anglo Oriental (MAO) College in Aligarh. The college later on grew into one of the biggest universities in 1920.

Today, the AMU symbolizes on the one hand the secular ideals of the Republic of India and on the other the aspirations of more than 150 million Muslims in India.

Despite several ups and downs, the university has been growing from strength to strength and now boasts more than 25,000 students on the campus engaged in all traditional and modern disciplines such as medicine, engineering, arts, commerce, management and information technology.

Around this time of the year, hundreds of thousands of students and alumni of Aligarh Muslim University around the world will be celebrating the founder’s day popularly known as ‘Sir Syed Day’.

On this occasion AMU alumni in California are organizing the 6th Annual International Mushaira, along with dinner, on September 18 at Chandni Restaurant in Newark at 6:30 pm. Featured guest poets from the Indian sub-continent include Shiva Kumar “Nizam”, Khamakha Hyderabadi, and Tariq Subzwari.  Popular North American poets Hanif Akhgar, Sabiha Saba, Abdul M. Sayeedi, and A. Abdullah will recite their poetry at the Mushaira. Several renowned poets of California will also participate.  The Guest of Honor and key note speaker is Dr. Kailash Joshi, vice chairman of global TiE and co president of ICC.

All are requested to join the celebration. More information can be obtained either at the association’s website ( or by calling (650) 212-ALIG


AMU Alumni Association of northern California was founded in 1996 as a secular, non-partisan, non-political organization serving the Educational, Social, Literary and Cultural needs of the Community.

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