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Anchorage International Airport

Identifiers ANC (local) and PANC (icao)


Three bodies of water surround Anchorage. Turnagain Arm to the south and continuing Eastbound, Knik Arm to the North continuing Northeast ward and Cook inlet to the West coming up from Pacific Ocean. Anchorage uses these waters for noise abatement. Aircraft should use runway 32 for departures and 6R&L for arrivals. Due to the extreme turbulence caused by the winds closer to the Mountain to the east. Runway 14 should be used for arrivals and departures when the winds grater than 13 knots out of the Southeast.

Clearance delivery (ANC_DEL) 119.4:

Will coordinate with Anchorage Tower/Approach/Departure and Center controllers for proper departure procedures. /a

When using Runway 32 for departures, eastbound aircraft should be Given a 300 heading after departure. Once they’re through 5000 feet they can be given a 090 heading for the Johnstone VOR (JOH). Traffic departing South, through North (westerly) can be given vectors on course anytime through 1000 feet

Due to the Mountain range just east of Anchorage ANC2 and Knik4 departures should always be used when departing off 6 left and right. NEVER give runway heading off the 6’s as this will result in Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT).

Anchorage Ground (ANC_GRD) 121.9:

Will coordinate with Anchorage Tower for runway information. Direct traffic during ground operations.

Anchorage Tower procedures (ANC_TWR)118.3:

Will coordinate with Anchorage Approach/Departure and Center controllers for proper departure/ landing procedures.

Due to noise abatement, runway 32 should be used as often as possible for Turbo jet aircraft. 6 left is permissible for turbo prop and piston powered aircraft provided they follow the ANC2 or the KNIK5 departure procedures. If the pilot does not have the SIDs a simple turn to heading of 300 of 32 will comply with the both SIDs. If taking off of 6L or R the Knik5 (for northerly departures) wants a turn to 330 out of 2000ft or prior to 11DME from the ANC VOR. The ANC2 (for southerly departures) wants a turn to 190.

For all runway's east bound traffic should be above 5000ft before giving then an easterly heading.

6 right and left should be used for landings. Due to the extreme turbulence caused by the winds coming from the Mountain to the east. runway 14 should beused for arrivals and departures when the winds grater than 13 knots out of the Southeast. Most scenery's do not have the ILS 14. FS2K and , I believe, Alaska98 by Basil Copeland are the only ones that have it.

Anchorage Approach (ANC_APP)118.6:

Will coordinate with Anchorage Center arrival and departures. Handle aircraft from the surface to FL200 and a 20 mile radius on Anchorage International Airport, as will as Merrill Field IFR traffic and Elmendorf Airforce Base. When these satellite airports are open ANC_APP will coordinate with the appreciate tower controller.

Area departures:

When using Runway 32 for departures, eastbound aircraft should be Given a 300 heading after departure. Once they’re through 5000 feet they can be given a 090 heading for the Johnstone VOR (JOH). Traffic departing South, through North (westerly) can be given vectors on course anytime through 1000 feet

Due to the Mountain range just east of Anchorage ANC2 and Knik4 departures should always be used when departing off 6 left and right. NEVER giverunway heading off the 6’s as this will result in Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT).

Area arrivals:

When landing 6 left and right (preferred for noise):

The Yeska arrival should be used for traffic coming in from the east.

The TAGER arrival for aircraft arriving from NW to North

The Amott arrival for aircraft arriving from the south to west.

When landing 14 at Anchorage

The ELLAM arrival should be used for aircraft coming in from the east

All other directions use the same arrivals


Identifers, FAI (local), PAFA (icao)

Clearance delivery (FAI_DEL) 127.6:

Will coordinate with Fairbanks Tower/Approach/Departure and Anchorage Center controllers for proper departure procedures.Fairbanks Ground (FAI_GRD) 121.9:

Will coordinate with Fairbanks Tower for runway information. Direct traffic during ground operationsFairbanks Tower procedures (FAI_TWR)118.3:

Will coordinate with Fairbanks Approach/Departure and Center controllers for proper departure/ landing procedures.Fairbanks Approach (FAI_APP)126.5:

Will coordinate with Anchorage Center arrival and departures. Handle aircraft from the surface to 10,000 ft and a 20 mile radius on Anchorage International Airport, as will as Eielson Airforce Base (PAEI or EIL). When this airport is open FAI_APP will coordinate with the EIL_TWR controller.


Kodiak Airport:

Identifiers ADQ (LOCAL) PADQ (ICAO)

Kodiak Ground (ADQ_GRD) 121.9:

Issue IFS clearance and coordinate with Fairbanks Tower for runway information. Direct traffic during ground operations

Kodiak Tower procedures (ADQ_TWR)119.8:

Will coordinate with Anchorage Center controllers for proper departure/ landing procedures.Any departures to the West are VFR conditions only. Not terrain clearance can be assured. 10 and 07 are the only runways with IFS departure procedures.07 can be runway heading Dir. ODK VOR when able. 10 needs a turn to the ODK VOR right away.


Bethel Airport:

Identifiers BET (local) PABE (ICAO)

Bethel Ground (BET_GRD) 121.7.

Will coordinate with Bethel Tower for runway information. Direct traffic during ground operationsBethel Tower procedures (BET_TWR) 118.7:

Will coordinate with Anchorage Approach/Departure and Center controllers for proper departure/ landing procedures.

Valdez Airport:

Identifier VDZ (local) PAVD (ICAO)

General Ops:

Valdez IS one of my favorite airports to fly to. It is also uncontrolled. The IFR procedures must be strictly adhered to. The LDA DME "D" is the onlyapproach to use there. When vectoring some in for the LDA APP you have to cleared them direct OLLEO then a heading of 359 to join he LDA. Pilots have to join the final 20 miles out. If you have your Vectoring T's out that far then you can vector for the final approach course. Again, keep in mind they must be established on final 250 miles out.Following the IFR departure is EXTREEMLY important. Failure to do so could result in a CFIT incident. Through all the mumble jumble it wants a course directthe OLLEO intersection. If departing 06 Pilots will have to make an Immediate RIGHT turn to 220 the direct OLLEO.


Juneau Airport:

Identifiers JNU (LOCAL) PAJN (ICAO)Juneau as another one way in and one way out airport. Controllers must be aware of arrival and departures to direct aircraft in and out of this airport.

Juneau Ground (JNU_GRD) 121.9:

Will coordinate with Juneau Tower for runway information. Direct traffic during ground operations

Juneau Tower procedures (JNU_TWR) 118.7:

Will coordinate with Anchorage Approach/Departure and Center controllers for proper departure/ landing procedures.

Please note we are no way affiliated with any real world aviation organization or the FAA this is just a hobby. 

Website last updated: Friday, October 04, 2002

Copyright 2002, Anchorage ARTCC