
A number of gods throughout Egyptian history were called Horus. The one referred to here is Horus, son of Osiris. He was the avenger of his father's death, thus the prototype of the good son. In his adult form he is depicted as a falcon headed man wearing the double crown of Egypt. Another form of this god is Horus-the-child, or Heru-pa-Khret (Harpocrates, in Greek). In this form he is shown as a child with a side-lock of hair and a finger to his lips. Sometimes he is being suckled by his mother Isis. There is also the very ancient sun god Horus the Elder. In this aspect he is said to predate Ra and some interpretations contend that Horus, son of Osiris, is an earthly reincarnation of the once great sun god Horus the Elder.

Horus, son of Osiris, was conceived under extraordinary circumstances. His father had been murdered, but partially brought back to life by Isis. Horus' conception had taken place during this time, before Set had physically murdered Osiris again. For more information about the battle of Set and Osiris see their pages. Thoth had told Isis that Horus would be the avenger of his father's death and that he was. He battled his uncle Set for many years and eventually won the throne of both Upper and Lower Egypt.

Set had been the first ruler of both lands, but unjustly so. Horus was the first to rightfully hold that position. During the Old Kingdom period of ancient Egypt it was believed that every pharaoh was the living reincarnation of Horus. Horus represents renewed strength and vigor, the restoration of what is right and hope for a brighter future.