(Also known as Tehuti, Thout, Thot, Djewhty, Djehouty, Greek=Hermes)

Egyptian God of writing, math, magic, astronomy and 'Scribe of the Gods'. Thoth was most often depicted as an ibis headed man. His cult center was Hermopolis. His consort is often said to be Maat. Thoth was considered to be self-created and he is also said to be the heart, or sometimes mind, of Ra.

He is mentioned many times in "The Book of the Dead" for his role in The Weighing of the Heart Ceremony. It was Thoth's job to record the results of this ceremony and report his findings to the other gods. From very early times, pharaohs appealed to him to represent them fairly in the afterlife.

Thoth assisted Isis on many occasions. He stopped the course of the sun so her son Horus could be healed from scorpion bites. He taught her the process of mummification so her husband Osiris could become King of the Underworld.

Thoth was also said to accompany Ra in his solar boat, directing its course. Throughout many periods of Egyptian history Thoth is classified as a lunar deity. When Ra (solar deity) discovers that Nuit is pregnant with Osiris, Isis, Nephthys and Set, he becomes jealous. He decides that he will not set so she cannot give birth to them. Thoth challenges Ra to a game of Senet (or perhaps some other board game). The wager is time. Thoth manages to win 5 days. These days are referred to as the epagomenal days and the children of Nuit are born on these days. The 5 days are added onto the end of every Egyptian year. It was their mythological way of explaining and compensating for the difference between the solar and lunar year.