
This is only a very brief introduction to what is an amazing story. It’s poignancy calls for much more than I can present here at this time. My Father says "The likes of which novels are made." I am going to agree with him and decline to do our story any injustice by attempting to fit it into this brief time we have together on this page, Dear Visitor.

The pages you will find within this little corner of my website contain stories and images the likes of which I never thought I would see. Through situations that we will not get into now, My Father and I were separated for 17 years.

The pages you will find here contain the images and stories of my first commune with him in these many years. These memories are full of emotions for me. All good, all for different reasons and in different ways. Fun was had, of course, but mostly there was bonding and learning. Learning about each other, those immediately around us and the world we all live in.

I returned from my trip with a renewed peace in my spirit, a renewed energy for life, and a whole heart.

This introduction would not be complete without mentioning the many other "new" family members I have shortly acquired and their wonderful acceptance of me into their lives. You will see these images as well.

Thank You for visiting, and I would be grateful to you for signing my guestbook before you leave my NY section so that I can know you were here and what you thought.

Sincerely, Andrea

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