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Andromeda Logs: Fans Blog Postings
Saturday, 1 November 2003
Official Tribune's Andromeda November 2003 calendar
Official Tribune's Andromeda November 2003 calendar
feature Captain Hunt with small image of crew.


Posted by andromeda_logs at 3:10 PM CST
Keith Hamilton Cobb guest star episode 406 & 407
If you had missed seeing Keith Hamilton Cobb as Tyr Anasazi
on Andromeda, Tyr will be on episode 406 "Soon the Nearing
Vortex" and episode 407 "The World Turns All Arounds Her".


For most USA markets

Week of air Episode
------------- ----- ---------------------------------
Nov 3 2003 406 Soon the Nearing Vortex
Nov 10 2003 407 The World Turns All Around Her

Tribune's Andromede web site on Saturday November 1, 2003
have posted photo gallery for episode 406 with 10
photo. The index page for this photo gallery have the
correct episode title but the large version of each
photo have the correct episode number but have the title
for episode 405 "Harper/Delete". This photo gallery have
some picture of Tyr.

Official episode 406 photo gallery

Posted by andromeda_logs at 3:09 PM CST
Wednesday, 29 October 2003
The Great Canadian Guide - Andromeda review
"The Great Canadian Guide to the Movies & TV" web site gave
Gene Roddenbery's Andromeda a rating of two and a half stars
on its An-Ao page.

"The Great Canadian Guide to the Movies & TV" review of
Andromeda as a tv series

Posted by andromeda_logs at 1:55 PM CST
The Great Canadian Guide - Andromeda review
"The Great Canadian Guide to the Movies & TV" web site gave
Gene Roddenbery's Andromeda a rating of two and a half stars
on its An-Ao page.

"The Great Canadian Guide to the Movies & TV" review of
Andromeda as a tv series

Posted by andromeda_logs at 1:55 PM CST
Episode 405 official photo gallery
Tribune's official Andromeda web site had posted photo
gallery for episode 405 "Harper/Delete" with 12 photos.

Andromeda episode 405 photo gallery

Posted by andromeda_logs at 1:53 PM CST
Saturday, 25 October 2003
Kevin Sorbo's movie "Clipping Adam" news
Kevin Sorbo is Father Dan in next year movie "Clipping Adam"
(2004) about the growing pain of Adam Sheppard during the
summer before entering high school.

Two co-star of Kevin Sorbo in the movie "Clipping Adam"
(2004) were tv series associated with Gene Roddenberry.
Louise Fletcher and Robert Pine were on spinoff of
Roddenberry's original Star Trek series.

Louise Fletcher's role in "Clipping Adam" is Grammy. She was
a frequent recurring character on "Star Trek: Deep Space
Nine". Her role was Vedek Winn Adami during seasons 1 and 2
of "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine". After her role character
became a Kai, she was Kai Winn Adami during seasons 3 to 7 of
"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine".

Robert Pine's role in "Clipping Adam" is Principal Briggs.
His guest star role in "Star Trek: Voyager" episode 303 "The
Chute" is Ambassador Lira. His guest star role on Enterprise
episode 117 "Fusion" is Tavin.

YES Men" Deal; Ruffalo Gets Dirty; "21 Grams" Party & More
Indie Wire
... contains news of worldwide distribution rights to Michael A.
Picchiottino's "Clipping Adam," a coming of age tale starring
Louise Fletcher, Kevin Sorbo, and Chris Eigeman. ...

Posted by andromeda_logs at 12:08 PM CDT
Gene Roddenberry memorial article at startrek.com
Gene Roddenberry died October 24, 1991.

Star Trek official web site have a memorial article for
Roddenbery with link to his biography.

Spotlight: Remembering Gene Roddenberry

Posted by andromeda_logs at 12:07 PM CDT
Lisa Ryder birthday October 27, 1970
This Sunday is Lisa Ryder's birthday. She was born on
October 26, 1970 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Posted by andromeda_logs at 12:05 PM CDT
Wednesday, 22 October 2003
Sorbo USATODAT.COM chat transcript
Yesterday USA Today web site had a chat with Kevin Sorbo
mostly about his first tv series being released on DVD.

Hercules: Kevin Sorbo
Tuesday, October, 5 p.m. ESt

Posted by andromeda_logs at 4:14 PM CDT
Saturday, 18 October 2003
Dylan Hunt meet love interest Molly Noguchi again
Andromeda episode 403 "Waking the Tyrant's Device" have
Captain Hunt love interest Moly Noguchi first seen in episode
203 "Lava and Rockets". Kristin Lehman have the role of
Noguchi in both episodes. When Dylan first meet Molly, He was
being chased by the Ogami and boarded the tour starship
Hilde escape the Ogami. Dylan at first wanted to get Molly
off the ship for her own well being, but need her to fly the
ship since her have the need data port impart to fly the ship.
They eventally bonded during the escape from the Ogami.

While in bed in Dylan room on Andromeda with Molly, Dylan
gave Molly a letter of recommendation to the new High Guard
Academy on Mobius.

Posted by andromeda_logs at 1:19 PM CDT

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