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Andromeda Logs: Fans Blog Postings
Saturday, 15 November 2003
EurWeb: Hamilton Cobb: Actor talks about the mythology of soaps
The web site Eurweb have a November 12, 2003 article "Keith
Hamilton Cobb: Actor talks about the mythology of soaps and
how we're all more dramtic than we think". Cobb suggest that
soaps are a substitute of oral story telling tradition and
passing down mythology.

Cobb's Eurweb article with a photo of Cobb

Posted by andromeda_logs at 3:36 PM CST
"Submit your question for Steve Bacic!"
Tribune's Andromeda home page currently have a link to
"Submit your question for Steve Bacic!"
on the Andromeda Message Board.


Posted by andromeda_logs at 3:34 PM CST
Andromeda episode 408: "Conduit To Destiny" photo gallery
Tribune's Andromeda today have posted photo gallery for
episode 408: "Conduit To Destiny" with 9 photos and
episode guide page.

photo gallery

episode guide

Posted by andromeda_logs at 3:33 PM CST
Friday, 14 November 2003
Some betters in Andromeda episode 404 "Double or Nothingness"
Some betters in Andromeda episode 404 "Double or Nothingness"
displayed in English in Latin script .

Aujau Ordouz
Antarres IV

Eric Arosa
Jira XII

Harold Druog
Vindlegrot Drift

Xaxug IV
Tatung Prime

Panda VII

? = not sure which letter

Posted by andromeda_logs at 10:49 AM CST
KEITH HAMILTON COBB talk about soap and mythology at Eurweb, UK
KEITH HAMILTON COBB: Actor talks about the mythology of soaps and ...
Eurweb, UK
(Nov. 12, 2003) *In July, 1994 viewers of "All My Children" were
to a character called Noah Keefer, played by actor Keith Hamilton

Eurweb, UK
... KEITH HAMILTON COBB Actor talks about the mythology of soaps and
we're all more dramatic than we think. *In July, 1994 viewers ...

Posted by andromeda_logs at 10:48 AM CST
Tribune's official Andromeda synopses for episodes 401 to 404
Tribune's official Andromeda web site have extented synopsis
for episodes 401 to 404.

401 Answers Given To Question Never Asked
402 Pieces of Eight
403 Waking the Tyrant's Device
404 Double or Nothingness


Posted by andromeda_logs at 10:44 AM CST
Saturday, 8 November 2003
Official Andromeda photo gallery for episode 407: The World Turns All Around Her

Tribune official Andromeda episode 407 : "The World Turns All Around Her" photo gallery is posted today with 14 pictures. This is second season four photo gallery with Tyr.


Posted by andromeda_logs at 2:05 PM CST
Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz: 'The Strange Detective' news
Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz: 'The Strange Detective' news



Posted by andromeda_logs at 1:57 PM CST
Tyr in episode 406 - Soon The Nearing Vortex
Today Tribune' Andromeda e letter mention in
406 - Soon The Nearing Vortex

The former Nietzschean crew member and betrayor of the Andromeda Tyr
Anasazi, is seeking a valuable artifact. Dylan and his crew are
ordwer to obtain the artifact first because of the dager if Tyr
acquired it. The crew goes on a mission they never expected when
a learn what the artifact is.

Posted by andromeda_logs at 1:56 PM CST
ADV films release New Andromeda Season 1 DVD!
ADV films release New Andromeda Season 1 DVD!

This Tuesday, November 11, Andromeda fans can own a deluxe boxed
set of all 22 episodes of Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda, Season One
which include commentaries with Kevin Sorbo, bloopers, High Guard
glossary, image galleries and conceptual drawings. The screen format
is in letterbox and enhanced for widescreen TVs. A collection is a
no serious sci-fi collector should miss.

A slip-covered 10 discs DVD-only box set containing all 22 episodes
of the first season in Anamorphic Widescreen. Many extras including:
character profiles with cast interviews; audio commentaries by Kevin
Sorbo ("Captain Dylan Hunt") and Executive Producer Allan Eastman;
bloopers, alternate takes; A to Z Glossary of the High Guard; All
Systems University 101 class materials; Timeline of the Commonwealth;
Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda TV spots; production biographies; large
image galleries; and drawings of prop and set conceptual.

Running Time: Approx. 1100 Mins.

Click here to order!
Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda: Season One Collection

Posted by andromeda_logs at 1:56 PM CST

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