================================================================ andromeda logs news: November 1, 2000 ================================================================= The dates in the "A Commonwealth Timeline" at http://www.allsystems.org/timeline.html list years in YC (Commonwealth Year). The only date in our calender with a CY date ois the year of the publication of Friedrick Nietzsche's final volume of "Thus Spake Zarathustra". The earth publication date is 1885 AD and the Commonwealth publication date is 6811 CY. The Ear of twelve Cennturies of Peaces beging in 8503 CY and ending in 9766 Cy with attacks by Magog is 1263 Commonwealth years. Captain Hunt was trap at near edge of blackhole in 6811 CY and rescued from blackhole in 10087 CY. Captain Hunt was traped in at the blackhole edge for 303 Commonwealth years. If the age Valentine said for the oldest members 16 and 20 on the spacestation on in the episode "To Loose The Fateful Lightning" is Commonwealth years then Commonwealth year close the the same length as Earth years. Captain Hunt was resued from blackhole about 3171 years after 2000 AD. The Time period of Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda is about 3171 year in the future. Star Trek time peroid is only about 200 to 300 year is in the future. Next week dates calculation from AD years to CY years and list Commonwealth Timeline in earth years. ==================================================================
Burton Craddock
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