Andromeda Polls for Episodes 101 to 105

Season One Episodes: Polls Index

Polls from Episodes 101 to 116 are rerun polls.

Season One Episodes: Polls Index

Results of former polls

First airing of episodes polls results

Andro #101 rating result

Andromeda episode Rating: #101 Under the Night
Excellent 24 (70%)
Good 7 (20%)
Fair 2 (5%)
Bad 1 (2%)

34 Total votes

Visitor Comments:
1. Pretty good. I knew Trance wasn't dead, though. It was a very good introduction to the characters and the situation. I love Trance and am already starting to wonder about her.
2. It is one of the best new shows out there! I loved Kevin in Hercules and am sure I'll love him as Captain Dylan Hunt.
3. It was an interesting episode, and I am avidly awaiting the next installment. I think the humour in the show is great as well.
4. It was a great introductory episode. My only problem was that poor Tyr Anasazi only got one line!

Andromeda #102 ratin

Rate Episode 102: An Affirming Flame
Great Show 14 (82%)
Good Show 2 (11%)
Fair Show 1 (5%)
Bad Show 0 (0%)
17 Total votes

Last 5 Visitor Comments: 1. So much story packed into two episodes. I love it!

Andromeda Rating 103

Rate Episode#103:To loose the Fateful Lightning
Great show 11 (42%)
Good show 7 (26%)
Fair show 8 (30%)
Bad show 0 (0%)
26 Total votes

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Last 5 Visitor Comments:
1. More of a ??? When is the DVD's Coming out?
2. Thank goodness, Dylan has flaws. "I am your Mesiah" was great. Although I hope the future episodes help forward the story arc more than this episode.

Andromeda rating Episode#104 D Minus Zero
Great show 18 (69%)
Good show 5 (19%)
Fair show 3 (11%)
Bad show 0 (0%)

Total 26 votes

Andromeda 105

Andromeda Rating Episode #105: Double Helix
Excellent Show 9 (37%)
Good Show 11 (45%)
Fair Show 3 (12%)
Bad Show 1 (4%)
24 Total votes

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Burton Craddock
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