Diameter: 8,900 km
Water coverage: 40%
Climate: Semi-arid to desert
Population: 200 million (99% Nietzschean, 1% miscellaneous)
Update: Fountainhead was bombarded out of orbit and became completely
uninhabitable during the last days of the Nietzschean Uprising. The remains of
Drago Museveni were recover and changed hands several times. The remains were
removed from Enga's Redoubt, the homeworld of the Drago-Kazov Pride by Tyr
Anasazi of the Kodiak Pride on CY 10087.
Other Detail: Fountainhead is the celebrated home of Ayn Rand Station, the birthplace of the genetically engineer human subspecies the Nietzschean. Fountainhead was chosen for settlement by the Nietzchean founder Paul Museveni for its harsh climate and for its isolated location to test his theories on engineering better humans away from the disapproving eyes of others. Although Nietzschean are spread across known space, Fountainhead is the Nietzschean spritual center, the site of several universities, and genetic research centers. The preserved remains of the Nietzscean Progenitor Drago Museveni reside on Fountainhead. Drago is the oldest son of Paul Museveni.
Systems Commonwealth Known Worlds
Systems Commonwealth Territories
Original content (c) 2001 by Burton Craddock
Legal Disclamer: This is a non-profit fan web with no affiliation to Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda. Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda is copyright 2000 by Tribune Entertain Company.