Systems Commonwealth Known Worlds

picture of blank space

Hephaistos IV

Location: Perseus Arm, Milky Way Galaxy

Diameter: 11,890 km

Water coverage: 54%

Climate: Semi-arid to desert

Population: 475 million (71% Nietzschean, 17% human, 10% Perseid, 2% miscellanoues)
Update: Population as of 10087: 0

Other Detail: Hephaistos IV was hidden prosperous Nietzscean colony world and trade center. In CY 9784, Hephaistos IV had the dishonor of being the first site of battle of the Nietzschean Uprising. A wandering small blackhole in Hephaistos moved into the Hephaistos system. Their are some doubters that the black hole is an natural wandering blackhole. They believed either the Nietzsheans had created or moved a small black hole to Hephaistos IV. The black hole gave the Nietzschean an excellent trap cover using a false distress message for rescue Hephaistos IV population from black hole. The Andromeda Ascendant when to Hephaistos IV after receiving the distress message. The Andromeda was attacked from large fleet of Nietzschean ships whom initially tricked Andromeda's commander Captain Dylan Hunt that they were fleeing the rogue black hole. The Andromeda Ascendant was trapped in the event horizon of the black hole while attempting to escape from the Nietzschean fleet. The gravitational stresses from the black hole in CY 9811 had torn apart Hephaistos IV. The High Guard starship Andromeda Ascendant was pulled free of the black hole event horizon in cy 10087 by salvage mining starship Eureka Maru. Captain Hunt awaken from 323 year of suspended animation.

Systems Commonwealth Known Worlds

Systems Commonwealth Territories

Original content (c) 2001 by Burton Craddock

Legal Disclamer: This is a non-profit fan web with no affiliation to Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda. Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda is copyright 2000 by Tribune Entertain Company.