Diameter: 11,930 km
Water coverage: 64%
Climate: Temperate to subarctc
Population: 14 billion (94% Vedran, 5% Perseid, 2% human, 1%
Update: Tarn-Vedra was disconnected from the slipstream
during the Nietzschean Uprising. The condition of Tarn-Vedra and its
inhabitants are completely unknown.
Other Detail: Tarn-Vedra is the capital of the Systems Commonwealth. The three major continents' coastal and mountain regions are among the most densely urbanized area in known space. Tran-Vedra have praires, savannas, and tundras that covers thousands of square miles. The cities are the home of many Commonwealth's administrative headquartes, including the High Guard, All Systems University, and Ministry of Public Welfare. Many Vedran clans, herds, and nations for countless millenniums held in the plains culture binding mating games, festivals, and ceremonies.
Systems Commonwealth Known Worlds
Systems Commonwealth Territories
Original content (c) 2001 by Burton Craddock
Legal Disclamer: This is a non-profit fan web with no affiliation to Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda. Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda is copyright 2000 by Tribune Entertain Company.