Internal Bliss Page 2

No reason was given
As I crumpled the note
My mind still replaying
All the words that you wrote
It said you didn't love me
It said you didn't feel the same
You didn't return the love I felt
But here's a dose of pain
You signed the letter
Love,-which contradicted
All the words you'd said above
You sadi you wanted to be friends
But the "we" had to end
So what am I suppossed to do
Pretend I didn't love you
And that I didn't care?
Pretend my every fantasy
Didn't have you there?
And with a few words
You dashed all the hope in my heart
You forgot to add a reason
You fogot the most important part
Would it have hurt my feelings
Caused me sudden pain
Too late-you already did that
Once you signed your name.

Where, Who, What

Where do you go
When you hurt the same as I
Where do you find solace
When you remember the old times?
How do you feel
When you awake and I am not there?
Who do you tell your dreams to
Who calms your nightmares
Who holds you when you sleep
Who whispers in your ear
Does she say
What once you used to hear?
You're so far
But yet so close to me
You still dominate my thoughts
And control my memory
Do you ask yourserlf these same questions?
Of me?
Do you regret that it
Was still me who made you smile
Do you, like me, wish we would walk just one more mile?

What you taught

As I look back now
I could feel resentment and pain
But that would only make me weak
Another succumber to your tortous game
As I remember the time we spent-hands held tight
I remember more then just pain and strife
I remember the lessons you taught me
That now carry with me through life

You taught me how to love and how to give
You taught me to be strong and how to live
You showed me how to hurt and how to overcome
You taught me the darkness of the earth and you showed me the sun
You took my pain and made it real-but in my darkest hours-you taught me how to feel
You taught me how to smile
You taught me to be proud of who I am
You taught me how believe
You taught me to stand

So today despite the pain I have been thru
I thank God he gave me the chance to love you
For it not only broke my heart
And created havoc in my mind
But I am a better person for the traces you left behind