The Herty Incident

[the flame so large it justified its own page]

Okay, for the third entry we have a slightly different type of flame -- several posts on this site's messege board, almost to the point of spamming. Few of the responses had anything to do with the topic they were under; most of them were just pointless harrasment of the other board posters and resentment toward a guy named Dan. There were no explainations of why he was acting like that, besides that he was probably very bored.

I notified him and the people he was arguing with, and everyone else on the board, but my browser was having severe problems and I couldn't log into the contrtol panel. Due to holidays schoolwork and other people using the modem, I wasn't able to log on for several days. When I got back, I found a barrage of continuing flames in the messege board. One of them was a response from herty to my post "you'd better not." I would have thought this was an empty threat if I had not been getting an unusual amount of "your guestbook has been signed" and "mail error--user '&#*&$*#&$' does not exist." Sure enough, when I went into my guestbook, there were some flames that were so numerous and so, well, stupid, that I would have laughed (I didn't because I had to delete all this junk).

I won't bore you with all of the posts, since most of them are repetive, but here are some samples:


Record 71
Name: herty
Website: jklopi
Referred by: Xoom
From: l.a
Time: 1999-11-27 23:17:36
Comments: animorphs suc (come onto the message board)

Okay, this is easy to respond to; What makes you think Animorphs suck? Thanks for plugging my guestbook for me--but that obscene stuff you put on there is deletable, even if my browser is set against me (I will triumph!). Thank you for visiting the page, don't come again!

Some entries, however, are more troubling:

Record 70
Website: GYYUU
Referred by: Xoom
Time: 1999-11-27 23:10:00

I am a little troubled by this as I am not exactly on friendly terms with The Strangers. It appears that  herty, however is. Either that, or remarkable, if annoying coincidences are moving themsevles in my life. See the next post, edited for your visual health (the original was much larger).



Referred by: Just Surfed On In

Time: 1999-11-27 10:48:48
Comments: [image]

Hey, ya know something?!


We're back!!! AGAIN!

And it's time to play the FLAME GAME! AGAIN!


The "ha"'s also continued or an indefinite number. An extremly long number. A number that tempts me to say somthing like "Wow, you must have a lot of time on your hands to write (or even copy/paste) that much repetive lettering," except I won't because I think The Strangers said something of that nature. A note to all you flamers out there: it's pointless to make really long, repetive, g-book and mb things, because no matter what the length, they are deleted with a single click. Again, I'm not even going to waste my time responding to a word. I've seen too much of the same. Oh, and there's more.

Below this lovely g-book entry are six Anti-Animorphs slogans, and one praising herty. (I'm guessing that this new person has a 13% chance of not being herty himself). I try again to delete the posts, but in vain.

Then, just when it seems I will have to delete the message board and start a new one, one that is more sophistocated and has a killfile with herty's name on it, herty announces that he's leaving. Understandable, I rejoiced a little bit. It was interesting; he had a list of reasons why he was leaving. He said that, among other things, there was no more challange to the board (meaning, we all got smart and just decided to ignore his obcene comments to everything we said) and that I had sent him threatening e-mails (which was interesting because he never once revealed his e-mail address in any way, shape or form on my page, and I'm not much of a death-threat person anyway). But the one that I found the most laughably innacurate was the statement that he had accomplished his purpose in destroying the board.

I don't think this is true because to this very day people are still having discussions on the board, some intelligent introspections, others pure goofiness. But, in addition this, I was also able (because of a helpful page-goer --thank you! you know who you are!) to herty's posts. So, unless it is too soon to speak, I think this particular problem is solved.  I guess that entry can stay but -- and this applies to all flamers, not just herty:

When you get in a flame war with someone, it becomes the problem of whoever's webpages and messege boards (and guestbooks) you clutter up, and whoever's conversations you disrupt. There are countless places on the internet; I'm sure one of them would be happy to host your enlightened argument with someone you have a grudge against. Why don't you go there instead of bothering numerous people and getting everyone mad for no reason?

Despite the fact that I have two huge reports due in days, I think I feel another rant coming on . . . 

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