Mokenda's Fangirlism

Chapter 1
One Piece
My Bio

Yes! It is I! I’m back to writing new stories whether you like it or not! Bwahahahahaha! I originally came up with the idea for Cat Crazy from a comic I read, but then I created my own version with a heck of a lot of differences thrown in. The look of Cat Sam came from the cat I used to have when I was a little kid, yellow fur and orange stripes. I didn’t dare want to put in the cat my brother had, that cat went psycho and tried to destroy mine... (How could he try to kill his own brother?! sob)

Maurine... her tomboyishness came kinda from my own tomboyishness. I’m a tomboy, but I like adorable things! (Chibis! Whee!) So, that’s how Maurine is! Not nearly as crazy as me though, oh no, I’m leaving the craziness to her Grandfather and Sam! XD

Anyways! On with the show... er... story!


Maurine: Hey! Jackie! Where’s my favorite shirt?

Jackie, Maurine’s twin sister comes into the room wearing the shirt Maurine was looking for.

Maurine: Hey! That’s mine! Give it back!

Jackie: I don’t think so, not after you ruined my jeans!

Maurine: I did not ruin them! You ruined them! You were the one who was doing the laundry!

Jackie: Which is YOUR job, isn’t it?

Maurine: Grandpa told YOU to do it! I was busy working on my report for history class!

Jackie: Hmph! He’s too nice to you!

Maurine: Probably because I do things when I’m asked to, unlike SOMEBODY here!

Maurine and Jackie, though being twins, have completely opposite personalities, Maurine, a tomboy, is the kind who works when asked and is fairly decent and nice. Jackie however, is a member of ‘The Popular Crowd’ and likes to wear clothes that seem just about to pop off at any second seeing as how tight they are, she’s also rude to just about anyone who so much as disagrees with her over the silliest matter. The sister’s personalities often clash and many arguments such as this start.

Chris: Hey, Maurine, Jackie, hurry up. You’re gonna be late for school.

Maurine: Oops! Coming!

Maurine quickly puts on a shirt and her shoes, hopping down the stairs forcing her heels into the shoes grabbing her backpack and dashing towards the door. Jackie walks down with a big smirk on her face, knowing she had successfully made her sister late.

Maurine: Bye, Chris! Bye, Grandpa!

Chris, their older brother watched Jackie smirk as she casually walked to the door, a bit of a frown on his face. Chris had graduated the previous year and was going to be starting at the local college soon, but since their grandfather is a bit nuts, he came to be the one to take care of his younger siblings.

Their grandfather is a highly superstitious man who watches X-Files a lot and claims many things to be ‘bad omens’, one of these things being Maurine’s cat, Sam.

Grandfather: CURSE!!! HE’S A CURSE I TELL YOU!!!

Chris: What’s going on now, Grandpa?

Grandfather: That cat is a curse! God is trying to tell us something! That cat’s bad news!

Chris: Grandpa, like I keep telling you! It’s supposed to be BLACK cats that are bad luck, not STRIPED cats!

Grandfather: All cats are black, boy! They all have it in for us! They can change their fur color at will! I’ve seen it with my own eyes!

Chris: Yeah, I’m sure you have, Grandpa.

Grandfather: It’s the truth! You will believe me soon enough!

Chris: Uh huh... yeah, well I’ve got to go to work. I’ll be back home sometime around 5:00.

Chris walks over to the coat rack and takes a red jacket off of it before turning back to face his Grandfather.

Chris: Oh, and Grandpa? Please don’t try to put Sam in the garbage disposal again.

Grandfather: It’s the only way to destroy them! Their evil will continue otherwise!

Chris rolls his eyes and leaves after telling his grandfather a quick good-bye.

As Chris walks down the driveway to his car, Sam hops up into the windowsill watching Chris with his emerald green eyes. A pleading look almost seems to surface in his eyes as he watches the people in the outside world.

(School-1st Hr)

Maurine: Hi, Steven.

A boy with short brown hair and light blue eyes turns to look at Maurine.

Steven: Oh! Hey, Maurine.

Maurine and Steven are best friends, in fact, they have known each other since Pre-K. Steven is a fairly quiet and reserved person, and unknown to Maurine, he has a secret crush on her. (Shh! It’s a secret!)

Maurine: What’cha reading?

Maurine is looking over Steven’s shoulder at a book he is holding.

Steven: It’s called ‘The Body’, it’s a Stephen King novel.

Maurine: You read that stuff? (disgusted face)

Steven: You’re too much of a Pacifist.

Maurine: You’re too much of a Satanist.

Steven: A Satanist is someone who inflicts pain on others, not one who reads about it.

Maurine pops Steven on the top of his head with her textbook and sticks her tongue out at him.

Maurine: I don’t need you nit picking.

Teacher: Maurine! Do you want to take laps?

Sits up straight with a nervous look.

Maurine: Sorry, Ms. Garrets!

Ms. Garrets: No more violence in class!

Maurine: (nods) Yes, Ms. Garrets. It won’t happen again.

Ms. Garrets is a 72 year old English teacher at Rockford High. Though her age may be misleading, in her younger days, Ms. Garrets was highly skilled in military warfare in her youth. She has often resorted to using her military know how in class on her students when they misbehave, sometimes taking the entire class out to the obstacle course on the school grounds and making them go through it 10 times each.

Note: A ‘w’ before a character’s dialogue means that the character is whispering

Maurine: ‘w’ Steven! Guess what!

Steven: ‘w’ What?

Maurine: ‘w’ My dad’s coming home tonight!

Steven: ‘w’ That’s great, Maurine.

Maurine: ‘w’ He’s been gone for almost 2 years on an expedition. They finally finished up last week and he called last night saying he was on his way!

Maurine’s dad, Robert Kingston, is a highly famous Archeologist who is praised throughout the world for his findings. The most recent expedition was in Southern Africa where some ancient pottery and pictographs showed up. The expedition covered over 500 square miles. The work on the expedition was long lasting due to the shortage in the expedition team; thus, the archeological team had to work twice as hard as normal.

Maurine: I can’t wait till he gets home! I’ve missed him so much!


In Maurine’s thinking of her father, she had forgotten to whisper without realizing it.

Maurine: (gulp) Y-yes Ms. Garret?

Ms. Garret: 5 LAPS! NOW!

Maurine: Yes, Ms. Garret. (blushes with embarrassment)

Thinking of her father causes the school day to fly by for Maurine, and before she knows it the bell for the end of school rings and she is on her way back home.

Maurine bursts through the doors at her home.

Maurine: Is he here yet?

Mr. Kingston: Bubble!

Maurine: Daddy!

Bubble is an affectionate nickname Mr. Kingston has for Maurine, he calls Jackie ‘Rabbit’.

Mr. Kingston: Haha! You’ve grown so much!

Maurine: Well it has been two years.

Mr. Kingston: I’ve got something for you.

Maurine: Really?! What is it?

Mr. Kingston begins rummaging through a bag on the floor next to his chair, he pulls out an 8” wooden idol. The idol has what looks to be the head of a dog on the body of a man. The stance of the body is similar to the stance of a Sumo wrestler except the hands are up near the chest area holding a blue sparkling orb.

Mr. Kingston: Beautiful, isn’t it?

Maurine: Erm...(sweatdrop) Uh... what is it?

Mr. Kingston: It’s an artifact we found in one of the caves. We found so many artifacts throughout the expedition that the museum didn’t want all of them and we got to take what was left over.

Maurine: Really? This looks like something that the museum would want to keep.

Mr. Kingston: Well, they did say that it was ‘cursed’.

Maurine: Eh? Cursed?

Maurine backs a bit away from the idol.

Mr. Kingston: I wouldn’t worry, it’s probably just superstition.

As Mr. Kingston laughs at the idea of a curse, Sam comes into the room. Sam walks over to Maurine, eyeing the idol with the shimmering stone. Maurine picks up Sam in her arms and continues to stare at the idol.

As night comes, Maurine still can’t help but wonder about the idol and its curse. Fearing that something might happen to her, she places it in her room as far away from her bed as she can, just to be safe.

Jackie comes into Maurine’s room.

Jackie: So why did Dad give YOU the one that I WANT?

Jackie holds up an old stone tablet that has some old pictographs on it.

Maurine: Stop being so caught up in yourself.

Jackie takes the tablet and throws it out Maurine’s window, the faint sound of it breaking into lots of pieces can be heard.

Maurine: Jackie! Dad gave that to you! The least you can do it respect it!

Jackie: Easy for YOU to say.

Jackie leaves, eyeing the idol enviously.

Maurine: (mumbling to herself) I may not like it... but at least I’m keeping it for him.

As Maurine begins to get ready for bed, she thinks about what her sister had done. She decides to try to make it up to her father for Jackie. She goes outside in her pajamas with a flashlight and a large plastic baggie and begins scooping the stone pieces up and putting them in the bag.

Maurine: (thinking to herself) I’ll put it back together for him.

As she picks the pieces up, she finds a piece with a blue circle on it, but doesn’t pay much attention to it and places it in the bag with the other pieces.

When she finds all of the pieces she can, she takes the bag, now heavy with stone, and begins on her way back into the house. When in her room, she places the bag on her desk so she can start working the next day on putting the pieces back together.

As she puts the bag down, Sam comes into her room, climbs up on her bed, and lies down on the foot of it. Maurine turns and smiles at her cat, she walks over to the bed, picks him up, and gives him a hug. She climbs into bed and lets Sam go, where he trots back to the foot of her bed, and curls up. But as Maurine drifts off to sleep, Sam doesn’t. Sam keeps his eyes wide open, staring at the idol with the shimmering globe. After a few hours, Sam hops off the bed and cautiously walks over to the wooden statue. He circles it a few times, seeming to try and eye every detail. After a few circles, Sam lifts up his paw and begins patting the shimmering blue stone. A bright flash suddenly fills the room, waking Maurine and engulfing Sam. As Maurine watches, the source of the light grows and grows. After about 30 seconds, the light begins to fade. Maurine stares for a moment, then lets out a piercing scream.

Mr. Kingston, who had been asleep in the next room, rushes into the room to find his daughter staring in horror at the other side of the room, her mouth wide open in shock.

Mr. Kingston: ... Oh... my... goodness...


Yo! Author here! Yep! That’s a cliffhanger all right! But you all should know what’s there... if you don’t... you’re a loser.

I know the chapter’s a bit short, but I had too much in store for the next chapter that I couldn’t think of TOO much to work with on this chapter. Sorry bows head in shame

Anyways, keep a look out for the next chapter where what happened is revealed! Ciao!

One Piece © Eiichiro Oda
All pictures © their respective owners/providers