Japanese Name: Ardhamon Ardhamon is Takuya's Advanced Hybrid form, which is achieved when Takuya Double Spirit Evolves using both the Human Spirit and the Beast Spirit of Fire. He's got Agnimon's arms, legs, and thighs, as well as Vritramon's wings, blasters, shins, feet, and tail.
Takuya first Double Spirit Evolved into Ardhamon in Episode 28 during his battle with BlackSeraphimon. He later defeated Mercuremon in this same form.
English Dub Name: Aldamon
Level: Hybrid
Type: Variable
Kind: Demon Man Digimon
Attacks: Brahma Sutra, Brahma Shil
English Attacks: Atomic Inferno, Solar Wind Destroyer
Evolves From: H-Spirit of Fire + B-Spirit of Fire
Name Origin: Ardhanarisvara is a figure from Hindu myth involving a fusion of two other concepts/beings.
First Appearance: Episode 28