Japanese Name: Beowulfmon Beowulfmon is Kouji's Advanced Hybrid form, achieved only by Double Spirit Evolving with the Human and Beast Spirits of Light. He has the head, upper arms, and legs of Wolfmon, and the rest is Beowulfmon. His sword is comprised of Garmmon's tail as the hilt and his wings as the blades. His Licht Angriff attack is fired from his left arm.
English Dub Name: (TBA)
Level: Hybrid
Type: Variable
Kind: Warrior Digimon
Attacks: Zweihänder, Licht Angriff
Attacks (dub version): Frozen Hunter, Clensing Light, Beo Saber
Evolves From: H-Spirit of Light + B-Spirit of Light
Name Origin: Beowulf was the hero of a millennium-old Anglo-Saxon legend.
First Appearance: Episode 27