
Japanese Name: KaiserLeomon
English Dub Name: JaegerLowemon
Level: Hybrid
Type: Variable
Kind: Cyborg Digimon
Attacks: Schwarz Donner, Schwarz König
English Attacks: Ebony Blast, Dark Master
Evolves From: K-Spirit of Darkness
Name Origin: Kaiser is German for emperor. Leo is Latin for lion.
First Appearance: Episode 33

KaiserLeomon is Kouichi's good B-Hybrid form. He can be achieved when Kouichi Spirit Evolves using the K-Spirit of Darkness. One could say he's like the lion version of Garmmon. KaiserLeomon is, by far, one of the most majestic Hybrids in the series and one of the most powerful, even without combining Spirits. In Episode 33, he was able to destroy Cherubimon's doppleganger even though the others were unable to deal any damage.

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