Kouichi Kimura

Japanese Name: Kimura Kouichi (pronounced KOY-chee)
English Dub Name: Kouchi Kimura
Japanese Voice Actor: Suzumura Ken'ichi
English Voice Actor: Crispin Freeman
Age: 10
Element: Darkness
H-Hybrid Form: Duskmon
B-Hybrid Form: Velgmon
L-Hybrid Form: Löwemon
K-Hybrid Form: KaiserLeomon
A-Hybrid Form: Reichmon

Kouichi is Kouji's twin brother (yes, they're fraternal twins). He and Kouichi were separated at around birth. While Kouji lived with their father, Kouichi lived with their mother. It was by his grandmother's bedside at the hospital that Kouichi learned of his brother. Later on, he spotted Kouji while riding the train and tried to follow him, but the elevator closed on him. Wanting to see his brother, Kouichi ran as fast as he could down the stairs. Unfortunately for Kouichi, he tripped and fell (quite a long distance, actually).

Kouichi's conscious was somehow taken to the Digital World, where Cherubimon sought out the darkness in his heart and used it to power the Spirit of Darkness, turning young Kimura into the diabolical Duskmon. His body, however, remained in the real world, which we find out about near the end of the series.

Later on, Kouichi joins the Chosen Children and obtains the L-Spirit of Darkness and the K-Spirit of Darkness, as well as his own D-Scan. Kouichi proves himself to be a quite valuable asset to the team and fights alongside the rest of the Chosen Children against Cherubimon and Lucemon. Later on, he, along with Junpei, contributes his Spirits to Kouji, allowing his twin brother to Hyper Spirit Evolve into MagnaGarurumon.

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