
Japanese Name: Löwemon
English Dub Name: Lowemon
Level: Hybrid
Type: Variable
Kind: Warrior Digimon
Attacks: Ewig Schlaf, Endlich Meteor
English Attacks: Shadow Lance, Shadow Meteor
Evolves From: L-Spirit of Darkness
Name Origin: Löwe is German for lion
First Appearance: Episode 33

Löwemon is Kouichi's good H-Hybrid form created when he Spirit Evolves with the L-Spirit of Darkness. Where Kouji's Hybrid forms are all based on the wolf, Kouichi's are all based on the lion. Löwemon is just as strong as Duskmon, if not stronger. He carries a staff, which serves as his main weapon, just as Wolfmon has his lightsabers. He also has a handheld lionhead energy shield over his left hand.

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