Japanese Name: MagnaGarurumon
MagnaGarurumon is Kouji's Zeta Hybrid form. Unlike Wolfmon, Garmmon, and Beowulfmon, where he uses only his elemental Spirits, Kouji can only become MagnaGarurumon when he uses the Human and Beast Spirits of Light, Thunder, Darkness, Steel, and Water (practically half of the Spirits). MagnaGarurumon can almost be considered as an upright bipedal version of MetalGarurumon. The large missile launcher on his right arm is known as the Sniper Phantom. He is also equipped with two lightsabers for close combat.
During the saga of the Royal Knights, MagnaGarurumon battled RhodoKnightmon for most of the battles.
English Dub Name: MagnaGarurumon
Level: Hybrid
Type: Variable
Kind: Cyborg Digimon
Attacks: Starlight Velocity, Machinegun Destroy
English Attacks: Magna Missiles, Magnum Shoot, Magna Rockets, Starlight Velocity, Feral Fire
Evolve From: H-Spirit of Light + B-Spirit of Light + H-Spirit of Thunder + B-Spirit of Thunder + L-Spirit of Darkness + K-Spirit of Darkness + H-Spirit of Steel + B-Spirit of Steel + H-Spirit of Water + B-Spirit of Water
Name Origin: Magna is Latin for Great. Garuru is the sound of a growl.
First Appearance: Episode 35