
Japanese Name: Arbormon
English Dub Name: Arbormon
Level: Hybrid
Type: Variable
Kind: Cyborg Digimon
Attacks: Machinegun Dance, Blockade Seed
English Attacks: Roundhouse Punt
Evolves From: H-Spirit of Wood
Name Origin: Arbor is Latin for tree.
First Appearance: Episode 12

Arbormon is the Warrior of Wood. His body is bulky and appears to be slow. But he still has a decent amount of power. Despite this fact, however, he isn't the most brilliant of the Evil Hybrids. His apetite for hamburgers often causes him to Slide Evolve into Petaldramon and use his powers to make the Burgermon make hamburgers for his own consumption.

In the dub, he sounds like a member of the mafia.

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