
Japanese Name: Mercuremon
English Dub Name: Mercurymon
Level: Hybrid
Type: Variable
Kind: Mutant Digimon
Attacks: Generous Mirror, Offset Reflector
English Attacks: Dark Reflection
Evolves From: H-Spirit of Steel
Name Origin: Mercure is French for mercury.
First Appearance: Episode 12

Mercuremon is, by far, one of the most intelligent of the Evil Hybrids. He is the Legendary Warrior of Steel. The mirror-like shields on his arms permit him to reflect his opponents' attacks right back at them, which gives him and extremely high defense, as well as a deadly adversary.

In the dub, Mercuremon sounds like a Shakespearean actor, since all of his speech is done in Old English. His first line in the dub was, "Thy thoughtless acts reflect badly upon us."

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