The Royal Knights are the loyal servants of Lucemon. After the defeat of Cherubimon, they were released into the Digital World by their master. Their objective was to collect every single Digicode in the Digital World and transfer it to Lucemon in order to revive the unholy angel.

The Royal Knights were able to gather all the Digicodes making up the Digital World and revive their master, leaving nothing but a few small pieces of floating landmass and the Trailmon tracks. The two of them met an unfortunate end during their battle with the Chosen Children on the Ophani Moon (the yellow one). Both Knights reached such critical levels of damage that their Digicodes began to form around their bodies.

The end of the Royal Knights came when Lucemon took both of their Digicodes in order to evolve into Lucemon Falldown Mode.


English Dub Name: Dynasmon
Level: Mega
Attribute: (TBA)
Type: (TBA)
Attacks: Breath of Wyvern, Dragon's Roar
English Attacks: Breath of Wyvern, Dragon Thrower
First Appearance: Episode 38

Dynasmon may be better known to some as the Dragon Knight simply for his dragon-like armor and his dragon-related attacks. Clad in white armor covered with golden dragon fangs and a pair of large dragon wings on his back, Dynasmon is quite large in comparison to his partner, RhodoKnightmon. In most of their battles against the Chosen Children, Dynasmon fought against KaiserGreymon, who also has dragon-related attacks.


English Dub Name: Crusadermon
Level: Mega
Attribute: (TBA)
Type: (TBA)
Attacks: Argent Fear, Spiral Masquerade
English Attacks: Fist of Athena, Spiral Masquerade
First Appearance: Episode 38

RhodoKnightmon is the smaller of the Royal Knights. His most noticeable feature is his pink armor. Armed with a shield on his right arm, able to use his ribbons as both restraints and swords, and capable of doing damage to his enemies with rose petals, RhodoKnightmon is just as deadly as his partner. He also happens to be left-handed. Often during the Royal Knights' battles against the Chosen Children, RhodoKnightmon usually fought MagnaGarurumon. On several occassions, they have also engaged into sword fights; RhodoKnightmon with his ribbons and MagnaGarurumon with his lightsabers.

In the dub, RhodoKnightmon is female instead of male.

