Japanese Name: Sefirotmon Sefirotmon is, by far, the strangest of all the Hybrids. His body is composed of ten spheres, each representing the ten elements of the Legendary Warriors (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Thunder, Ice, Wood, Steel, Light, & Darkness). His head is the Sphere of Steel. His interior is like a gargantuan maze. Tunnels and portals connect the spheres and each one is protected by a guardian of that particular element. In order to leave a sphere, one has to defeat that certain guardian before access to the outside is granted. The guardians are as follows:
English Dub Name: Sakkakumon
Level: Hybrid
Type: Variable
Kind: Mutant Digimon
Attacks: Rumble Blend Number 3, Rumble Blend Number 9
Evolves From: B-Spirit of Steel
Name Origin: Sefirotmon is named after the Jewish Sefirot. You can read more about it at this site.
First Appearance: Episode 24
Earth = Volcamon
Fire = Asuramon
Wind = Karatenmon
Water = Ranamon
Thunder = Parrotmon
Ice = Panjyamon
Wood = Cherrymon
Steel = Mercuremon
Light = BlackSeraphimon
Darkness = Duskmon