
Japanese Name: Velgmon
English Dub Name: Velgrmon
Level: Hybrid
Type: Variable
Kind: Giant Bird Digimon
Attacks: Zone Deleter, Master of Darkness
English Attacks: Dark Obliteration, Dark Vortex
Evolves From: B-Spirit of Darkness
Name Origin: Velg is derived from Hraesvelg, who guarded Helhiem, the Norse underworld, alongside Garm. Hraesvelg's wings flapping caused the winds to blow in Helheim.
First Appearance: Episode 30

Velgmon is Kouichi's evil B-Hybrid form. As a Beast Hybrid, he is much stronger than Duskmon. Cherubimon knew about Kouichi's soft spot for being unable to kill Kouji. So, in order to prevent this, he placed a part of his essence into the B-Spirit of Darkness to keep Velgmon from holding back. Velgmon is, by far, the deadliest Hybrid ever. It took the combined power of Ardhamon, Beowulfmon, and Patamon to finally bring him down.

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