Name: Shinigami D-Reaper Shinigami D-Reaper is the D-Reaper's final and deadliest agent. It is a combination of all the other agents from ADR-02 all the way up to ADR-09. This agent's body is made up entirely of red cables and can only be summoned into the real world via a direct connection with the Digital World. Shinigami D-Reaper is the most powerful agent in the D-Reaper's arsenal. Its main weapon is a series of multiple scythes, which have proven to be extremely deadly. One slash could easily destroy any being. The Shinigami D-Reaper is a one-agent army that is virtually undefeatable.
Classification: Reaper of the Digimon
Attacks: Scythe of the D-Reaper, Alpha Collapse Bullet
First Appearance: Episode 50