My Fanart

You can find all of my best works of visual art here.

One of my trademark Digimon. Darkmon is a Mega level Digimon in command of Ultramon™'s forces, as well as his second-in-command. He is highly trained in all forms of combat, making him a deadly adversary.

My first piece of hand-drawn fanart.

Young Goku
Goku from Dragonball.

Yagami Taichi and Agumon
Tai and Agumon from Digimon.

Ishida Yamato and Gabumon
Matt and Gabumon from Digimon.

Izumi Koushiro
Izzy from Digimon, along with Motimon, Tentomon, and Kabutarimon. You don't realize how long it took me to finish Kabutarimon.

Takaishi Takeru and Patamon
T.K. and Patamon from Digimon.

Dark Koushiro
Dark Koushiro from Puppetmistress' Evil Shrine to Dark Koushiro and Crapboardia: the Dark Koushiro Board of Crap.

Justimon Tiga
My depiction of Justimon from Digimon Tamers.

Chronomon, the Legendary Warrior of Time
A Hybrid Digimon I created for future fanfic use. His attacks are Chrono Disruptor, Twelve Ages, and Time Freeze.

Recently, Axl has become one of my favorite MegaMan characters. So I decided to design a NetNavi version of him. This is just a mugshot. The full body pic is on its way.

Those of you who have played the Megaman X series will undoubtedly remember Vile, Sigma's second-in-command. Well, here he is in NetNavi form!

God of the Obelisk
A bit of fanart I drew of my favorite God Card.

This is my entry for KoroKoro's boss Navi contest for MegaMan Battle Network 5.

MegaMan Magic Soul
This is a Soul Unison I created myself called Magic Soul, when MegaMan Soul Unisons with MagicMan.

MegaMan Zero Soul
This is a Soul Unison I created myself called Zero Soul, when MegaMan Soul Unisons with Zero.EXE.

