Gospel is the notorious Netmafia that appears in MegaMan Battle Network 2, as well as the second season of the anime. Unlike the World Three, Gospel's goal is to cause terror and chaos not for power or fear, but for revenge. All its members are bound together by their desire for vengence against society caused by bad experiences in their pasts. Their bitterness makes Gospel a force to be reckoned with.

In the anime dub, Gospel was renamed to Grave. (damn censors)

Shuryou Gospel

Shuryou is the mysterious leader of Gospel. Very little is known about him since he remains out of sight for most of the game only to appear towards the end. All that is known is that he does not tolerate failure and will do whatever it takes to ensure success in Gospel's operations.

Sean Obihiro
Japanese name: Obihiro Shun

Believe it or not, nine-year-old Sean is Shuryou's real identity. His desire for revenge burns hotter than that of any other member of Gospel. At the age of four, Sean lost both of his parents in a plane crash, which was reported to have been the biggest NetCrime in history. Following the incident, he was forced to live with his cruel relatives, who abused him severely during his stay as did his classmates at school. He inherited his parents' fortune, but it did little to heal his emotional scars. Sean's heart slowly filled with hatred for society and he eventually ran away to Kotobuki, where he rented out an apartment and set up a large network. He sought out NetFriends who shared his pains and bringing them together formed the Netmafia Gospel. In order to gain the respect of an adult from his followers, Sean constructed a cybersuit in order to make himself looks like one before his agents, becoming the feared and mysterious Shuryou Gospel. Lan came face-to-face with Sean in Kotobuki when he arrived to stop Gospel. When the nine-year-old boy's plan to destroy the Net was foiled, he insisted that Lan kill him, seeing that he had no reason to live any longer. But after a read-through of Sean's diary, Lan offered to Sean his friendship, which couldn't have made the younger boy any happier in his life.

Sean returns in MegaMan Battle Network 3, but plays a very minor role. When Lan's father Yuuichiro is hospitalized after the SciLab incident, Sean comes in to tell him the whole history of Gospel and the supposed creation of Bass.

In the anime, there is no mention of Sean whatsoever. In fact, Shuryou's identity is completely different from that in the game.

Arashi Kazefuki

Arashi was the first Gospel agent to appear in the game,the anime, and the manga. He was once the owner of a big company. However it was bought out by a larger corporation and Arashi was out of a job. Ever since, he has always hated people with more money than him. After joining Gospel,. he began to take out his revenge on the rich, eventually taking him to the Ayano family mansion. Posing as someone from the gas company, Arashi sent his NetNavi AirMan into the mansion's gas system in order to poison Yai with toxic gas while she was in the bath. His plan was foiled when MegaMan defeated AirMan and for that Arashi payed with his life at the hands out Shuryou.

In the anime, Arashi ends up getting arrested rather than murdered.


AirMan is Arashi's NetNavi. He was sent into Yai's homse system in order to poison her with toxic gases while she was in the bath. AirMan's main weapon is the fan in his chest. With it, he can fire bursts of air at his opponents or conjure up tornadoes and launch them at his enemies. He was defeated at the hands of MegaMan and his failure resulted in his operator's demise.

In the anime, AirMan's voice resembles that of a duck (he even quacks).

Speedy Dave
Japanese name: Hayami Daisuke

Dave is quite the nature lover. He enjoys the grerat outdoors. However, due to industrial expansion, the things he loves are being destroyed. The spread of pollusion and destruction of nature forced Dave to join Gospel in order to save it. Even though his intentions were good, his methods weren't. Using his Navi QuickMan, he sought to destroy the dam at Okuden Valley and flood DenTech City. Fortunately, Lan and MegaMan showed up in time to stop him and the dam remained intact.

In the anime, Dave isn't evil. In fact, he's even a close friend of Sal.


QuickMan, as his name impies, is...well, quick. Possibly the fastest Navi ever, he helps in Dave's mission to blow up the Oku Dam. His speed makes him a very difficult target as he can move in teh blink of an eye and easily block any attacks directed at him. QuickMan's arsenal consists mainly of a boomerang, as well as a set of blades on his arms, which, when combined with his speed, make him a deadly adversary.


An independent NetNavi and a general of Gospel, CutMan was part of the Yumland massacre.He met MegaMan in the Yumland treasure room as he entered. CutMan main weapon is the pair of scissors on his head, but he can also release up to two smaller sets of scissor blades into his enemy's area and launch a spinning pair known as the Rolling Cutter. CutMan was defeated, but not one inhabitant remained in Yumland following the incident.

More than one CutMan appears in the anime. Together, they're called the CutMan Brothers.

Thanks goes to Buzzsaw the Righteous and Auto of Rockman Robot Center for letting me use this pic.


A highly skilled Navi and a deadly assassin, ShadowMan and his operator Dark work as mercenaries. Hired by Gospel, they infiltrated Official Headquarters at Marine Harbor and accessed the Mother Computer. ShadowMan's task was to destroy the computer and plunge Electopia into chaos. His skills as a ninja made him one of MegaMan's greatest challenges. Armed with his muramasa sword, an endless supply of shurikens, and the ability to create duplicate images of himself, he proved to be an extremely deadly opponent. He was eventually defeated by MegaMan with the help of ProtoMan and the Mother Computer was saved. His operator, Dark, disappeared soon afterwards and his whereabouts are unknown.

In the anime, ShadowMan works as an independent NetNavi. He pops up in various episodes and returns in Rockman.EXE Axess.

Princess Pride

Princess Pride is the ruler of Creamland, one of the first natons to have the Net. However, when other coutnries advanced, Creamland was left behind. Princess Pride joined Gospel to help her country. Posing as an Official NetBattler, she entered the secret Official NetBattler Headquarters in Netopia and trapped all the NetBattlers inside the deep corridors of Netopia Castle; among them were Lan and Chaud. Her plans were thwarted when her Navi KnightMan was defeated by MegaMan

In the anime, Princess Pride isn't evil or a member of Gospel. In fact, she even becomes one of Lan's friends!


KnightMan, like a true knight, is extremely loyal to Princess Pride and will carry out her every wish, even if it is wrong. His armored body is near impregnable and incredibly heavy, enough to crack the panels beneath his opponents. His main weapon is his mace, which he can either launch at his enemies or use to drop rocks onto them. Under Pride's orders, he triggered all the traps in Netopia Castle on the Official NetBattlers in order to capture and/or kill them. He was defeated by MegaMan and his operator was arrested.

Thanks goes to Buzzsaw the Righteous and Auto of Rockman Robot Center for letting me use this pic.

Midas Gauss

The proud and wealthy owner of Gauss Magnets, Midas Gauss suffered an abusive childhood as a young boy. When his parents died, he and his brother Jack were taken into separate families. While Jack got to live with a wealthy family, Midas was forced into a poor one. As a result, he began to hate the world and the people living in it. Gauss became an extremely successful businessman, but all the money in the world still couldn't heal the wounds inside him. That's when he decided to join Gospel. In MegaMan Battle Network 2, he was assigned the task of bringing down a plane that was heading from Netopia to Electopia. Sending his Navi MagnetMan into the plane's computers, he used him to take out the craft's functions one by one. Fortunately, Lan just so happened to be on the same plane. Together, he and MegaMan defeated MagnetMan and Gauss was placed under arrest.

Midas Gauss also happens to be the older brother of World Three's Count Zap.

In the anime, Gauss is a big admirer of Dr. Wily and spends most of his free time collecting Dr. Wily collectibles such as posters, figurines, CDs, plushies, etc. He even built a talking statue of Wily.


His operator being the president of a company that produces magnets, MagnetMan is a fitting NetNavi for Gauss. He was sent into the computer system of a plane that was heading to Electopia from Netopia and assigned the task of taking out the plane's functions one at a time. He encountered MegaMan by the controls for the craft's landing gear. MagnetMan has a variety of different weapons. His Magnet Missiles let him fire magnets that attact themselves towards their targerts and he is also capable of creating a ball of energy that homes in on its target. However, MagnetMan's N-S Tackle would be, by far, his deadliest attack whereby he creates a blue clone of himself and the two slam into the opponent from both sides. MegaMan was able to delete MagnetMan and return control of the plane over to the pilot, who landed the craft safely.


FreezeMan is one of Gospel's generals. He was sent onto the Net to stop all of the world's environmental control systems by freezing everything. Massive earthquakes occured in Electopia, intense UV light hit Netopia, and floods took hold of Yumland. On request, Lan and MegaMan were sent to deal with the situation.MegaMan eventually came face-to-face with FreezeMan inside the Gospel Headquarters. FreezeMan's attacks consist of Icicle Fall and Ice Towers, where he drops icicles onto his opponents and raises icicles up from the floor, respectively. He also surrounds himself in ice to shield him from attacks. FreezeMan was eventually deleted and all environmental problems in the real world vanished.

In the anime, FreezeMan deleted Mr. Match's FireMan. Later he lost in a battle against HeatMan, but was deleted by ShadowMan.

Some believe that FreezeMan was Shuryou's own NetNavi and not an independent.


A result of a Bass clone being fed too much radiation, Gospel is the deadliest creation ever created by Sean. He obeys no one and his entire body is composed of Bug Frags, making him, as Dr. Hikari put it, a "Multi-Bug Organism". Gospel has a variety of different attacks. He has the ability to create stone heads and launch them at his enemies and can send shockwaves along the floor panels from his mouth. Gospel can also morphs his head into a drill, as well as copies of AirMan, QuickMan, and CutMan. His deadliest attack, however, involves pulling his opponents close to him and then hitting them with elemental breaths (Fire, Elec, Aqua, Wood) from his mouth. Gospel eventually fell at the hands of MegaMan and peace was restored to the Net.

Gospel plays a much more significant role in the anime, lasting for four consecutive episodes. He was created by Shuryou as a way to destroy the Internet community. He gained strength through the consumption of NetNavis. Among his victims were ProtoMan, who risked his life to save a little girl Navi from the gargantuan virus, and Bass, who had attempted to absorb Gospel to add to his own power but ended up becoming a part of Gospel instead. Systems were destroyed with every step he took, which broke up the surrounding data. Eventually, he reached the Electopian Net City, where the Net Agent Navis - SharkMan, SkullMan, and WoodMan - attempted to use destroy him with a special deletion program, but failed horribly after Gospel overloaded the systems and consumed them. His final battle was against MegaMan Bug Style, who ended the battle by absorbing all the Bug Frags that composed Gospel's body.

